Answers to featured health and nutrition questions provided by Michael Greger M.D. FACLM and the Volunteer Moderators. Questions are taken from the video and blog comments throughout the site. Join in the discussion to get your question featured!

Vitamin K in Leafy Greens

What are the best sources of vitamin K?

I have read in a magazine that there are several types of vitamin K. According to the article, Vitamin K1 is found in vegetables. Vitamin K2 mk7 is found in meat, fish and eggs. The article also said that Vitamin K1 is stored in the...
Vegan Pregnancy, Infancy, and Childhood

Any resources for vegan pregnancy, infancy, and childhood?

I feel our family has a healthy and complete diet (in no small part thanks to you!) but do you have any specific recommendations or guidelines for those who would like to follow a vegan diet through pregnancy, infancy and childhood? Is...
Dairy and Ear Infections

Dairy and ear infections: is there an association?

Hi doc. Any research studies on dairy consumption and ear infections in children. My friend’s child had numerous ear infections and I recommended soy milk instead of cows milk plus to eliminate cheese, ice cream, etc. She asked a chief pediatric ENT...
Flax and Prostate Cancer Risk

Might flax seeds (ALA) increase prostate cancer risk?

There are a lot discussions and articles online about the supposed connection between flax seeds (ALA) and prostate cancer – suggesting that more flax consumed = increase chance of prostate cancer. I haven’t found this issue addressed on your website (sorry if...

Is raw milk healthy?

What about Raw Milk? I know the general arguments against milk as ‘Toxin’ cites above, personally I am a vegan, but what is the actual research on Raw milk vs pasteurized milk. I work in the area of local food and farmers markets...
Hibiscus Tea, Blood Pressure, and Coughing

Can hibiscus tea cause coughing?

An FYI. My mother used to take Lasinopril (sp?) for high blood pressure. It gave her a terrible dry cough and she quit taking it. Then I read hibiscus tea was good for high blood pressure and bought her tea where hibiscus...
Annatto Safety for Food Coloring

Is annatto food coloring safe?

I’d like to know if annato is helpful, harmful, or neutral…In general, do you know of natural food dyes? I think you mentioned that in place of using the dye from the cochineal beetle that cherries could be used. I have used...
Internal Use of Hydrogen Peroxide

Can you take hydrogen peroxide internally?

I have a question regarding the use of hydrogen peroxide internally. I’m not finding much information on the subject and I have a family member who’s looking into it based on some (limited) online research. Thoughts and feedback would be appreciated. organicsauce /...
Modifiable Risk Factors for Heart Attacks

What about the INTERHEART study on heart attack risk factors?

This study might also be of interest to you and your other readers: As always, your comments and insights would be most welcome. patmcneill / Originally posted on Heart attacks and cholesterol: Purely a question of diet Answer: Thank you Pat! The Lancet is one of my...

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