The current batch of videos from the previous volume is about to run out on NutritionFacts.org. So, starting next week and running through May, I’ll roll out this new set. They will all eventually be available for free online, but if you don’t want to wait you can watch them all streaming right now.
Here’s the full list of chapters from the new volume—a preview of what’s to come over the next few months on NutritionFacts.org:
- Don’t Wait Until Your Doctor Kicks the Habit
- Benefits of Ginger for Menstrual Cramps
- Which Intestines for Food and Cosmetics?
- Should Vitamin D Supplements Be Taken to Prevent Falls in the Elderly?
- Benefits of Green Tea for Boosting Antiviral Immune Function
- Dangers of Dietary Supplement Deregulation
- How to Become a Fecal Transplant Super Donor
- Benefits of Rosemary for Brain Function
- How to Treat Asthma with a Low Salt Diet
- Sodium and Autoimmune Disease: Rubbing Salt in the Wound?
- Do Men Who Have More Sex Live Longer?
- Best Foods to Improve Sexual Function
- Which Are Better: Chia Seeds or Flax Seeds?
- How to Boost Your Immune System with Wakame Seaweed
- Are the BPA-Free Alternatives Safe?
- Higher Blood Pressure May Lead to Brain Shrinkage
- How to Block Breast Cancer’s Estrogen-Producing Enzymes
- How to Prevent Blood Sugar and Triglyceride Spikes after Meals
- The Effects of Avocados and Red Wine on Postprandial Inflammation
- How to Counter the Effects of Air Pollution
- Is It Better to Advise More Plants or Less Junk?
- How Much Should You Exercise?
- Antiperspirants and Breast Cancer
- Treating Bacterial Vaginosis with Vaginal Vitamin C
- Lowering Our Sodium to Potassium Ratio to Reduce Stroke Risk
- How Our Gut Bacteria Can Use Eggs to Accelerate Cancer
DVD Subscription
If you were a regular supporter, you’d already know all this, having already received a link to the new DVD. New DVDs are released every nine weeks. If you’d like to automatically receive them before they’re even available to the public, please consider becoming a monthly donor.
Anyone signing up on the donation page to become a $25 monthly contributor will receive the next three downloads for free, and anyone signing up as a $50 monthly contributor will get a whole year’s worth of new DVDs (as physical DVDs, downloads, streaming, or all three—your choice). If you signed up for physical copies, you should have already received this volume, but if not please email DVDhelp@NutritionFacts.org and we’ll make everything all better.
We are a GuideStar Platinum Charity
NutritionFacts.org has been granted GuideStar’s highest tier for nonprofit charities, honoring our deep commitment to transparency and accountability. However, they don’t measure efficacy—how much good each group is actually doing in the world. For NutritionFacts.org you never have to wonder, because you can see what we do every day, bringing you and your loved ones (and hundreds of thousands of others!) actionable, evidence-based information.
Online Research Training?
As part of good governance, every organization should have a set of contingency plans. What would happen, for example, if I died in a fiery plane crash? (Or even a non-fiery one! :) NutritionFacts.org is saving too many lives to simply close up shop. I figure if I’m going to lay it all out, step-by-step, soup to nuts, I might as well do it live as part of a webinar. So, if you want to start your own NutritionFacts.org-type site, acquire or improve online medical research skills, or are just curious how I do what I do, please fill out this form so I can gauge interest. If enough folks are interested I’ll make it happen!
NutritionFacts.org en Español Coming Soon!
But we need your help. We are seeking groups of volunteers fluent in Spanish to help in two different areas. Tech support volunteers would help respond to e-mails and fix errors on the Spanish site. This can be a great learning experience for those interested in gaining experience with IT support in the non-profit sector.
Separately, we are also hoping to find Spanish-speaking doctors, dietitians, or other health or nutrition professionals to help answer questions for users on Nutritionfacts.org en Español and on our Spanish social media sites during a two-hour weekly shift.
Michael Greger, M.D. FACLM