Treating Hepatitis C with Chlorella
Improvements in natural killer cell immune function may explain both the anti-cancer benefits of exercise as well as the apparent anti-virus effects of the green algae chlorella.
Improvements in natural killer cell immune function may explain both the anti-cancer benefits of exercise as well as the apparent anti-virus effects of the green algae chlorella.
Broccoli sprouts are compared to “Broccomax” supplements.
What role might the spice turmeric play in both the prevention of precancerous polyps, and the treatment of colorectal cancer?
Though the most concentrated sources of the toxic metal cadmium are cigarette smoke, seafood, and organ meats, does greater consumption from whole grains and vegetables present a concern?
Barriers to patent natural commodities, such as the spice turmeric, keeps prices low—but if no one profits, where is the research funding going to come from?
Whole fruits and vegetables were compared to both antioxidant pills, as well as supplements containing fruits and vegetable extracts, for their ability to treat seasonal allergies, improve lung function, and control asthma.
La especia cúrcuma parece tener la capacidad de volver a activar el mecanismo de autodestrucción dentro de las células cancerosas.
El consumo de arándanos y fresas está asociado con un retraso en el envejecimiento cognitivo de hasta 2.5 años; se cree que es debido a la localización cerebral de un tipo de fitonutrientes conocidos como antocianinas, tal como se muestra en los escaneos de imagen por resonancia magnética (IRM) funcional.
The oxidation of high-fat and cholesterol-rich foods in our stomachs may help explain why eating antioxidant packed foods appears to reduce heart attack and stroke risk.
La ingesta de antioxidantes que provienen de los alimentos (y no de suplementos) se asocia con un menor riesgo de desarrollar cáncer.
Los consejos de que comamos pescado con mucha grasa, o tomemos aceite de pescado, para reducir el riesgo de enfermedad cardíaca, de apoplejía, o de mortalidad, ya no son respaldados por la cantidad de evidencia disponible.
What does the best available science say about the role multivitamins may play in heart disease, cancer, and longevity?
Sólo porque algo es natural y de origen vegetal no significa, necesariamente, que sea seguro. Las personas embarazadas, con cálculos biliares, o que son susceptibles a formar cálculos renales deberían considerar moderar su consumo de cúrcuma.
Certain berries may help relieve visual fatigue associated with staring at a computer screen all day.
Kale and collard greens contain vision-protecting plant nutrients, such as zeaxanthin, that may significantly lower the risk of glaucoma—a leading cause of blindness.
Los beneficios cardiovasculares de las dietas a base de plantas pueden verse severamente disminuidos con una deficiencia de vitamina B12.
Un análisis de riesgo/beneficio de 33 especies de peces analiza los efectos del DHA para potenciar el cerebro y los compara con los efectos dañinos del mercurio, para determinar el efecto neto sobre la inteligencia (IC – Cociente Intelectual).
Might the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of plant-based diets undermine some of the benefits of exercise?
La colina podría ser la razón por la que el consumo de huevos se asocia con la progressión del cáncer de próstata y la muerte.
Aquellos que comen dietas más a base de vegetales pueden tener naturalmente un sistema mejorado de defensas antioxidantes, para contrarrestar el daño en el ADN causado por los radicales libres producidos por el ejercicio de alta intensidad.
Contamination of spirulina supplements with toxins from blue-green algae raises safety concerns.
Multilevel marketing companies accused of using exaggeration and pseudoscience to promote potentially dangerous products, such as Metabolife and Hydroxycut, by designing studies that appear to purposely mislead consumers.
Based on studies of atomic bomb survivors, Chernobyl victims, and airline pilots exposed to more cosmic rays at high altitudes, it appears that fruits and vegetables may decrease radiation-induced chromosome damage.
Proper timing of probiotic supplements may improve their survival.
Though prebiotics may be preferable, probiotics may reduce the risk of upper respiratory tract infections.
Drug companies and supplement manufacturers have yet to isolate the components of cranberries that suppress cancer cell growth.
Se comparó la capacidad de once frutas comunes para suprimir el crecimiento de células de cáncer in vitro. ¿Cuál es la más eficaz– manzanas, plátanos, arándanos, toronjas, uvas, limas, naranjas, duraznos, peras, piñas o fresas?
Ampliando la temática de mi próxima participación en “El Show del Dr. Oz”, un nuevo artículo hito en el New England Journal of Medicine muestra que la colina en huevos, carne de ave, lácteos, y carne de pez produce el mismo OTMA tóxico que la carnitina en la carne roja, lo que puede ayudar a explicar la protección que proporciona una dieta basada en plantas ante enfermedades cardíacas y cáncer de próstata.
Una cucharada al día durante un mes de semillas de lino molidas, parece mejorar la glucemia en ayunas, los triglicéridos, el colesterol y los niveles de hemoglobina glucosilada en los diabéticos .
Researchers set out to find out what it was about a flax seed-supplemented, lower-fat diet that so effectively appeared to decrease prostate cancer growth.
¿Qué sucede cuando hombres con cáncer de próstata y neoplasia prostática intraepitelial (PIN) siguen una dieta relativamente baja en grasas suplementada con semillas de lino molidas?
Raisins may be preferable to sports supplement jelly beans and commercial energy gels.
The average number of bowel movements a week is compared between those eating prunes, those taking a fiber supplement, and those eating a strictly plant-based diet.
An independent review of the effects of açaí berries was recently published, including studies on immune function, arthritis, and metabolic parameters.
Vitamin D3—sourced from sunlight exposure, animal, and plant sources—may be preferable to vitamin D2 sourced from fungi.
Though there have been more than a thousand papers published on coconut oil in medical journals, there is little evidence it helps with Alzheimer’s disease.
Even vegetarians could potentially be exposed to the carcinogens typically formed by cooking meat through eggs, cheese, creatine sports supplements, and cigarette smoke.
Plant-based diets appear to decrease inflammation via a variety of mechanisms—including boosting our adrenal gland function, due to the consumption of potassium rich foods.
La especia fenogreco parece mejorar significativamente la fuerza muscular y la capacidad para el levantamiento de pesas, y ha mostrado propiedades anticancerígenas in vitro.
For decades, studies on Gerson therapy for cancer have questioned its safety and efficacy. But, what does the latest head-to-head trial of a Gerson-style regime, versus chemotherapy, show in terms of survival and quality of life for pancreatic cancer ?