Last week I got a yearly visit from a 40 year old patient who had had ulcerative colitis for 20 years. I told him to stop dairy and read your 2001 paper. He thanked me for his colitis stopped forthwith and since he cut all dairy. In chapter 1 of The China Study the ‘error’ with alpha F protein in Philippino kids and the reproduction in rat studies, I interpret as “Cancer cells need animal protein to grow”. If you stop it, they shrink. OK I am not a scientist but I proposed this to 7 advanced cancer patients, 2 of whom were in “palliative stage”. All 6 are doing VERY WELL, the oncologists do not understand it. I tell them “plant based diet, no cheating”. It has worked for now, and I am flabbergasted. For the record, I got about 4 hours of nutrition in medical school, a whole semester in pharmacology, and 8 lectures on surgery of thyroid cancer. This was 1963-1967. I stopped smoking in 1988, stopped meat and dairy in 2005 (your influence Sir), I do not worry about the future. I hope to live to 80 but take one day at a time. Thank you for bringing the fun back into my medical practice.
duchaspa / Originally posted on Slowing the Growth of Cancer
I’m so glad you wrote in–you’ve certainly made my day! As much as I love lecturing to medical students and the general public (largely via Rotary), my most fulfilling presentations are grand rounds in hospitals for clinicians. My goal is to reignite that spark we all had when we started medical school to help people, to cure people, to make people better. As you know, too much in medicine these days is just palliation, just covering up symptoms and slowing their downward spiral into disease and disability. When I start going through the case series showing that many of the chronic diseases that make up the bulk of their practices can be reversed, that people can be restored to health, you can see their faces light up. There are powerful tools at their disposal that no one ever taught them about. Please let me know if there is ever anything I can do to help further.
In terms of some of your individual points, the latest review on the theory that a farm animal pathogen in meat and dairy may be triggering inflammatory bowel disease is worth the read: Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease: is Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis the common villain? If indeed these diseases are related to diet, then the good news the review concludes with is that “We can end the public health tragedy of Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis, in our lifetimes.” Meanwhile, check out my video Dietary Treatment of Crohn’s Disease.
And I continue to be as excited as you at the possibility that certain cancers can be stopped and reversed through diet as well. I’ll keep bringing everyone the latest, building off of the preliminary results presented here in Cancer reversal through diet? I now have a series on the Pritikin experiments that I think you’ll appreciate:
- Engineering a Cure
- Ex Vivo Cancer Proliferation Bioassay
- Is It the Diet, the Exercise, or Both?
- How Plant-Based to Lower IGF-1?
- The Answer to the Pritikin Puzzle
Image Credit: Hang_in_there / Flickr