Lifestyle medicine pioneer Nathan Pritikin, who reversed his own heart disease through diet and went on to help millions of others, wasn’t a doctor or dietician, but an engineer.
Engineering a Cure
Doctor's Note
Nathan Pritikin’s work saved my grandmother’s life. Watch my story in Resuscitating Medicare. Dr. Dean Ornish then published something along these same lines (see, for example, Our Number One Killer Can Be Stopped). Pritikin’s life’s work continued through his research foundation—switching its focus from heart disease to cancer, as I feature in my 2012 presentation, Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death. Tomorrow, we begin that journey: a three-week video series on dietary changes capable of enabling our bodies to reverse cancer cell growth—buckle your seat belts!
For more context, check out my associated blog posts: Stool Size and Breast Cancer Risk; Cancer-Proofing Your Body; How Do Plant-Based Diets Fight Cancer?; Vegan Men: More Testosterone But Less Cancer; Prevent Breast Cancer by Any Greens Necessary; Flax Seeds for Prostate Cancer; Treating Breast Pain with Diet; and Strawberries Can Reverse Cancer Progression.
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