What is the recommended child requirement for vitamin D?

Children's Vitamin Requirements

Image Credit: irene nobrega / Flickr

I just watched your newest video and it was fantastic as usual. The segment about the adult requirement of 2000 units/day for Vitamin D was interesting and helpful. Can you please tell me what a child’s requirement is likely to be? We have a three year old.



I’m so glad you’re finding the videos useful. The official (Institute of Medicine) recommendation for those over 1 year of age is 600 IU a day of vitamin D. In two weeks I’m going to be rolling out a series of eight vitamin D videos from my volume 6 DVD offering justification for my 2000 iu. day recommendation for adults:

  1. Vitamin D Recommendations Changed
  2. Evolutionary Argument for Optimal Vitamin D Level
  3. Is Vitamin D the New Vitamin E?
  4. Vitamin D and Mortality May Be a U-shaped Curve
  5. Vitamin D Supplements May Be Necessary
  6. The Difficulty of Arriving at a Vitamin D Recommendation
  7. Resolving the Vitamin D-Bate
  8. Take Vitamin D Supplements With Meals

Image Credit: irene nobrega / Flickr

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