Are Organic Foods Healthier?
Test tube studies show advantages of organic produce, such as better cancer cell growth suppression, but what about in people, not Petri dishes?
Test tube studies show advantages of organic produce, such as better cancer cell growth suppression, but what about in people, not Petri dishes?
Sulfur dioxide preservatives in dried fruit, sulfites in wine, and the putrefaction of undigested animal protein in the colon can release hydrogen sulfide, the rotten egg gas associated with inflammatory bowel disease.
High blood pressure, the #1 killer risk factor in the world, may be eliminated with a healthy enough diet.
Death row nutrition offers some insight into the standard American diet.
The negative impact of red meat on our cholesterol profile may be similar to that of white meat.
What are the four problematic nutritional aspects of even plant-based Mediterranean diets?
The American Heart Association came up with seven simple lifestyle goals to combat the leading killer of men and women: heart disease.
American Institute for Cancer Research recommendation compliance associated not only with cancer prevention and survival but less heart and respiratory disease mortality and a longer lifespan.
The reason artificially sweetened beverages have been associated with depression may be because of psychological disturbances recently tied to aspartame (“Equal” or “NutraSweet”).
The new dietary guidelines for beverages recommend tea and coffee second only to water in healthfulness, but what about concerns they might impair the function of our endothelium?
Using the tobacco industry playbook, food companies have been caught trying to undermine public health policies by manipulating the scientific process.
Does the fructose naturally found in fruit and fruit juice have the same adverse effects as excess “industrial fructose” (table sugar and high fructose corn syrup) and if not, why not?
To stay out of oxidative debt, we need to take in more antioxidants than we use up.
Even nine servings of fruits and vegetables a day may not reach the minimum recommended intake of antioxidants if one doesn’t make the right choices.
Concern that one of the most commonly-consumed food colorings may cause cancer has led to changes in soft drink formulation in California.
Might the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of plant-based diets undermine some of the benefits of exercise?
The role white and pink (red) grapefruit may play in weight loss and cholesterol control, as well as the suppression of drug-clearance enzymes within the body.
Cancer-causing viruses in poultry may explain increased risks of death from liver and pancreatic cancers.
Multilevel marketing companies accused of using exaggeration and pseudoscience to promote potentially dangerous products, such as Metabolife and Hydroxycut, by designing studies that appear to purposely mislead consumers.
The majority of radioactive fallout from the Fukushima nuclear power plant tragedy was absorbed by the Pacific Ocean. What does that mean for seafood safety?
Green tea consumption may help prevent cavities, but excessive consumption among young children may lead to dental fluorosis, due to the natural fluoride content of the plant.
Nearly 5,000 breast cancer deaths a year may be attributable to just light drinking (up to one drink a day).
Most children don’t drink water from when they wake up to when they go off to school. Interventional trials show this mild state of dehydration may negatively affect scholastic performance.
Hibiscus tea elevates the antioxidant level of one’s bloodstream within an hour of consumption.
Using the cooked meat carcinogen PhIP to turn normal breast cells cancerous, researchers explore the use of green tea to interrupt this malignant transformation.
Comparing up to six cups of caffeinated black tea a day to water, researchers study the assertion that tea acts as a diuretic, and is not as hydrating as plain water.
The ability of green versus white tea to protect against in vitro DNA damage caused by a cooked chicken carcinogen (heterocyclic amine).
Caffeine has positive cognitive and physiological effects at moderate doses.
Coffee consumption is associated with a modest reduction of total cancer incidence.
In the context of a healthy, plant-based diet, the nitrates in vegetables can safely be converted into nitric oxide, which can boost athletic performance, and may help prevent heart disease.
The nitrate in vegetables, which the body can turn into the vasodilator nitric oxide, may help explain the role dark green leafy vegetables play in the prevention and treatment of hypertension (high blood pressure) and heart disease.
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover studies convinced the scientific establishment that nitrate-rich vegetables (such as beets) could noticeably improve athletic performance.
The natural flora on our tongue (lingual bacteria) are essential for the athletic performance-enhancing effect of the nitrates in vegetables such as beetroot.
To understand how beets could reduce the oxygen cost of exercise while improving athletic performance, one must review the biochemistry of energy production (ATP synthase), and the body’s conversion of nitrates to nitrites into nitric oxide.
Beets found to significantly improve athletic performance while reducing oxygen needs—upsetting a fundamental tenet of sports physiology.
The antioxidant content of a number of popular beverages is compared: black tea, coffee, Coke, espresso, grape juice, green tea, hibiscus (Jamaica flower) tea, milk, Pepsi, Red Bull, red tea, red wine, and white wine. Which beats out even powdered (matcha) green tea?
What happens when the twin mandates of the USDA—to both promote agribusiness, and protect our nation’s health—come into conflict?
He who pays the piper calls the tune: studies funded by the dairy and soda industries appear to be even more biased than studies funded by drug companies.
Meat, animal protein, and soy milk can affect premature breast development in girls.
Soy milk should be shaken before pouring to get at the calcium that settles to the bottom.