Protein Source: An Acid Test for Kidney Function
Dietary Acid Load is determined by the balance of acid-inducing food, such as meats, eggs, and cheeses, offset by base-inducing (“alkaline”) foods, such as fruits and vegetables.
Dietary Acid Load is determined by the balance of acid-inducing food, such as meats, eggs, and cheeses, offset by base-inducing (“alkaline”) foods, such as fruits and vegetables.
Fatty streak formation occurs in human fetal arteries and is linked to the pregnant mother’s cholesterol level.
Diet may explain the Nigerian Paradox, where they have among the highest rates of the Alzheimer’s susceptibility gene, ApoE4, but among the lowest rates of Alzheimer’s disease.
Energy density explains how a study can show participants lose an average of 17 pounds within 21 days while eating a greater quantity of food.
Why do heart attack rates appear lower than expected in France, given their saturated fat and cholesterol intake? Is it their red wine consumption, their vegetable consumption, or something else?
There appear to be just two types of people in the world: those who have mostly Bacteroides type bacteria in their gut, and those whose colons are overwhelmingly home to Prevotella species instead.
When placed head-to-head against the American Diabetes Association diet, how do plant-based diets fare in terms of not only blood sugar, body weight, and cholesterol control, but also mood and quality of life?
If depression can be induced with pro-inflammatory drugs, might an anti-inflammatory diet be effective in preventing and treating mood disorders?
The unnaturally large, rapid, and sustained calcium levels in the blood caused by calcium supplements may explain why calcium from supplements, but not from food, appears to increase the risk of heart attacks.
The processed food industries now use tactics similar to those used by cigarette companies to undermine public health interventions.
Anti-inflammatory drugs abolish the hyperfiltration and protein leakage response to meat ingestion, suggesting that animal protein causes kidney stress through an inflammatory mechanism.
Based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which foods best supply shortfall nutrients while avoiding disease-promoting components?
Health authorities appear to have taken the patronizing view that the public can’t handle the truth and would rather the science be watered down.
High-tech advances, such as PET scanning, offer new insight into the role cholesterol plays in both the amyloid cascade and vascular models of the development of Alzheimer’s dementia.
What would happen if you centered your diet around vegetables, the most nutrient-dense food group?
Lack of adequate blood flow to the brain due to clogging of cerebral arteries may play a pivotal role in the development and progression of Alzheimer’s dementia.
The most comprehensive controlled trial of diet and mood finds that a plant-based nutrition program in a workplace setting across ten corporate sites significantly improves depression, anxiety, and productivity.
Concerns about smoothies and oxalic acid, nitrate availability, dental erosion, and weight gain are addressed.
Protective properties of whole plant foods against diabetes include antioxidants, lipotropes, fiber, and the ability to suppress the estrogen-producing bacteria in our gut.
Potential culprits include the trans fat in meat, the saturated fat, cholesterol, heme iron, advanced glycation end products (glycotoxins), animal protein (especially leucine), zoonotic viruses, and industrial pollutants that accumulate up the food chain.
Dr. Greger has scoured the world’s scholarly literature on clinical nutrition and developed this new presentation based on the latest in cutting edge research exploring the role diet may play in preventing, arresting, and even reversing some of our most feared causes of death and disability.
The reversal of blindness due to hypertension and diabetes with Dr. Kempner’s rice and fruit diet demonstrates the power of diet to exceed the benefits of the best modern medicine and surgery have to offer.
Saturated fat can be toxic to the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas, explaining why animal fat consumption can impair insulin secretion, not just insulin sensitivity.
Even though modern African diets may now be as miserably low in fiber as American diets, Africans still appear to have 50 times less colorectal cancer than Americans (our second leading cancer killer).
Heme iron, the type found predominantly in blood and muscle, is absorbed better than the non-heme iron that predominates in plants, but may increase the risk of cancer, stroke, heart disease, and metabolic syndrome.
What might happen if nutritional excellence were taught in medical school?
Less than 3% of Americans meet the daily recommended fiber intake, despite research suggesting high-fiber foods such as whole grains can affect the progression of coronary heart disease.
High blood pressure, the #1 killer risk factor in the world, may be eliminated with a healthy enough diet.
Crystallization of cholesterol may be what causes atherosclerotic plaque rupture, the trigger for heart attacks
Insufficient intake of fiber-rich foods may lead to the stiffening of our arteries associated with risk of having a stroke.
The negative impact of red meat on our cholesterol profile may be similar to that of white meat.
Is whole grain consumption just a marker for healthier behaviors, or do whole grains have direct health benefits?
A randomized controlled trial found that a Mediterranean-type diet can dramatically lower the risk of subsequent heart attacks. How does it compare with plant-based diet data?
A randomized controlled trial found that a Mediterranean-type diet can dramatically lower the risk of subsequent heart attacks. How does it compare with plant-based diet data?
Why don’t authorities advocate a sufficient reduction in cholesterol down to safe levels?
Employee wellness programs may help boost the corporate bottom line.
The Paleolithic period represents just the last two million years of human evolution. What did our bodies evolve to eat during the first 90% of our time on Earth?
More people might be open to changing their diet and lifestyle if they knew how little modern medicine has to offer for combating chronic diseases.
The medical profession oversells the benefits of drugs for chronic disease since so few patients would apparently take them if doctors divulged the truth.
Extraordinary results reported in a rare example of a double-blinded, placebo-controlled, randomized trial of a dietary intervention (flaxseeds) to combat one of our leading killers, high blood pressure.