Using the Cigarette Tax Playbook Against Big Food
How might we replicate one of our great public health victories—the reduction of smoking rates—in the field of nutrition?
How might we replicate one of our great public health victories—the reduction of smoking rates—in the field of nutrition?
How was England able to so successfully lower sodium intake, which was accompanied by dramatic drops in stroke and heart disease deaths?
The spice fenugreek contains 4-hydroxyisoleucine, a peculiar amino acid that may explain its benefits for controlling blood sugar.
Why are Black Americans sicker and die younger than their white counterparts, and what can we do about it?
Those eating plant-based tend to be so much slimmer that their bone mass may suffer.
Are rare sugars like allulose a healthy alternative for traditional sweeteners?
How safe are fourth-generation sweeteners, such as the rare sugar allulose?
What foods should we eat and avoid to reduce our risk of Afib?
How might weight stigma be a vicious cycle?
How common is weight stigmatization in health care?
Lactucin, the hypnotic component of lettuce, is put to the test in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of lettuce seeds.
What happened when ultra-processed foods were matched for calories, sugar, fat, and fiber content in the first randomized controlled trial?
Overrated “precision medicine” may just be serving vested interests, and consumer DNA testing can be useless—or even worse.
Fasting and exercise can boost the longevity hormone FGF21, but what can we eat—or avoid eating—to get similar effects?
What can we do to boost the longevity hormone FGF21?
What can physicians do to promote healthy, life-extending, lifestyle changes?
Inflammatory markers can double within six hours of eating a pro-inflammatory meal. Which foods are the worst?
I discuss the safety and efficacy for weight loss of everything from Botox and corsets to siphons and tapeworms.
Sham surgery trials have shown us that some of our most popular surgeries are themselves shams.
Avoid these foods for leaky gut prevention: common drugs, foods, and beverages can disrupt the integrity of our intestinal barrier.
How can you get a perfect diet score?
Weight regain after bariatric surgery can have devastating psychological effects.
Losing weight without rearranging your gastrointestinal anatomy carries advantages beyond just the lack of surgical risk.
The extent of risk from bariatric weight-loss surgery may depend on the skill of the surgeon.
Today, death rates after weight-loss surgery are considered to be “very low,” occurring in perhaps 1 in 300 to 1 in 500 patients on average.
The American Medical Association has passed a resolution encouraging healthy plant-based food options be available in hospitals.
How can we use sensory-specific satiety to our advantage?
Big Food uses our hard-wired drive for dietary diversity against us.
I debunk the myth of protein as the most satiating macronutrient.
I dive into one of the most fascinating series of studies I’ve ever come across.
If the nitrites in foods like ham and bacon cause lung damage, what about “uncured” meat with “no nitrites added”?
Clinical trials on Quorn show that it can improve satiety and help people control cholesterol, blood sugar, and insulin levels.
What are the effects of plant-based meats on premature puberty, childhood obesity, and hip fracture risk?
Learn why sorghum is one of my favorite new grains.
Increased risk of metabolic complications starts at an abdominal circumference of 31.5 inches in women and 37 inches in most men, though it’s closer to 35.5 inches for South Asian, Chinese, and Japanese men.
Is there a unisex chart to see what your optimal weight might be based on your height?
How do we explain studies that suggest overweight individuals live longer?
What are the effects of weight loss on natural killer cell function, our first line of immune defense against cancer, as well as kidney function and fatty liver disease?
Sufficient, sustained weight loss may cut the risk of fatal heart attacks and strokes in half.
Weight loss can decrease dementia risk and improve mental performance and infertility.