Banana vs. Mango Smoothies for Polyphenol Absorption
How can you mediate the phytonutrient-destroying enzyme in avocados, bananas, and mushrooms?
How can you mediate the phytonutrient-destroying enzyme in avocados, bananas, and mushrooms?
More than 90% of stroke risk is attributable to modifiable risk factors.
Peeled apples are pitted head-to-head against unpeeled apples and spinach in a test of artery function.
Infants of mothers randomized to cut out eggs, milk, and fish were significantly less likely to have eczema even years later.
Energy density explains how a study can show participants lose an average of 17 pounds within 21 days while eating a greater quantity of food.
The role white and pink (red) grapefruit may play in weight loss and cholesterol control, as well as the suppression of drug-clearance enzymes within the body.
The ability of eleven common fruits to suppress cancer cell growth in vitro was compared. Which was most effective—apples, bananas, cranberries, grapefruits, grapes, lemons, oranges, peaches, pears, pineapples, or strawberries?
The natural sweetener erythritol does not appear to carry the adverse effects associated with other non- and low-caloric natural and artificial sweeteners, and may actually have antioxidant potential.