Onions and Tomatoes Put to the Test for Osteoporosis
Beyond the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and alkaline-forming qualities of fruits and vegetables in general, are there extra benefits our bones can get from particular produce?
Image Credit: David Pacey / Flickr. This image has been modified.
Beyond the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and alkaline-forming qualities of fruits and vegetables in general, are there extra benefits our bones can get from particular produce?
Almonds are put to the test in a randomized controlled trial for facial wrinkles.
Prunes, figs, and exercise are put to the test as natural home remedies for constipation.
Vegetables and fruit, such as dried plums, may help build stronger bones.
For the same reason that anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen are advised against during late pregnancy, anti-inflammatory foods may increase the risk of premature closure of the ductus arteriosus.
Dr. Greger has scoured the world’s scholarly literature on clinical nutrition, and developed this brand-new live presentation on the latest in cutting-edge research on how a healthy diet can affect some of our most common medical conditions.
Despite the caloric density of both nuts and dried fruit, they do not appear to lead to the expected weight gain.
The average number of bowel movements a week is compared between those eating prunes, those taking a fiber supplement, and those eating a strictly plant-based diet.
A comparison of the cholesterol-lowering potential of four dried fruits—apples, dates, figs, and plums.
Some foods appear protective against the development of skin wrinkles—while others may make them worse.
A review of the best available science examining the impact of eating frequency on both weight and health.
Which common dried fruit is the most antioxidant-packed: apple rings, dried apricots, dried cherries, dried mango, prunes, or raisins?
The National Dairy Council teams up with the Salt Institute to downplay the risk of sodium in the American diet.