Best Brain Foods: Greens and Beets Put to the Test
Cocoa and nitrite-rich vegetables, such as green leafies and beets, are put to the test for cognitive function.
Cocoa and nitrite-rich vegetables, such as green leafies and beets, are put to the test for cognitive function.
There may be a way to get the benefits of over-the-counter melatonin supplements without the risk.
What are the effects of spinach and berries on oxidative stress, inflammation, and muscle soreness in athletes?
Chicken, fish, and egg powder in processed foods present greater risk from cholesterol oxidation byproducts, but there are things you can do to reduce exposure.
How do sweet cherries compare to the drug allopurinol and a low-purine diet for the treatment of the painful inflammatory arthritis gout?
Sweet red Bing cherries may act as a selective COX-2 inhibitor, reducing inflammation without the damage to our stomach and gut lining caused by NSAID drugs like ibuprofen.
The melatonin content in certain plant foods such as almonds, raspberries, and goji berries may explain the improvement in sleep quality associated with tart cherry consumption.