The “volumes” refer to a series of DVDs (now digital only) upon which is based (all proceeds donated to charity). The DVDs give folks the opportunity to sneak preview videos months ahead of time, watch them all straight through, and share as gifts, but there’s nothing on the DVDs that won’t eventually end up online free here at

Volume 4 covers the peer-reviewed scientific nutrition literature published between spring 2009 and spring 2010.

Note that the video snippets from volumes 1-4 were ripped from pre-existing DVDs before existed, and so were created without the web experience in mind (so are not only lower production quality but often have abrupt beginning/ends). Sorry about that! One of these days I’d like to redo all these old ones but alas am lucky to just keep my head above water (posting new videos and articles every day!) If you’d like to donate to support this work, please click here.

Update on MSG

The reactions attributed to monosodium glutamate do not appear to hold up to scientific scrutiny.

Best Cooking Method

Which are the gentlest cooking methods for preserving nutrients, and which vegetables have more antioxidants...

Benzene in Carrot Juice

Which beverages have been found to have benzene levels exceeding safety standards?

Diet and Lichen Planus

A common plant may successfully treat oral lichen planus, a painful condition affecting the lining...

Wart Cancer Viruses in Food

The wart-causing viruses in animals may present more than just a cosmetic issue for consumers.

Hepatitis E Virus in Pork

The discovery of infectious hepatitis E virus in retail pork products may help explain the...

Drug Residues in Meat

The U.S. Inspector General cites the USDA for failing to safeguard the meat supply from...

Crop Nutrient Decline

How much has the nutrient content of food crops declined over the last 50 years?

Acne and Cancer Connection

The hormones present in cow's milk may help explain the association between certain diseases and...

What’s in a Burger?

Cleveland Clinic pathologists dissect fast food burgers to see what's inside.

Allergenic Fish Worms

The role of a parasitic worm in allergic reactions to chicken and fish.

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