Soul Food That’s Good for the Soul
The best of soul food’s origins are tied to the plant-centric West African diet.
The best of soul food’s origins are tied to the plant-centric West African diet.
Is the role of cholesterol in heart disease settled beyond a reasonable doubt?
A staggering 99.99 percent of Americans fail to get the minimum recommended potassium intake (despite it being perhaps only half of our natural intake) and stay below the recommended sodium intake (even though it may be twice our natural intake).
See if you know more about basic nutrition than most doctors.
The leading risk factor for death in the United States is the American diet.
What do hospitals have to say for themselves for feeding people meals that appear to be designed to inspire repeat business?
Sham surgery trials prove that procedures like nonemergency stents offer no benefit for angina pain—only risk to millions of patients.
Just because you’re eating vegetarian or vegan doesn’t mean you’re eating healthy.
The first study in history on the incidence of stroke of vegetarians and vegans suggests they may be at higher risk.
Public health authorities continue to drop the upper tolerable limit of daily added sugar intake.
Dairy is compared to other foods for cardiovascular (heart attack and stroke) risk.