Medicine’s Response to the Changing Science on Fluoride Safety
How did the medical and dental community react to U.S. regulators’ total 180 over water fluoridation, going from presumptively safe to presumptively dangerous?
Topic summary contributed by volunteer(s): Randy
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is a U.S. government agency focused on protecting public health. The CDC has reported on a number of research findings in order to raise public awareness of these health issues. The CDC reported the public should avoid specific fish due to the food poisoning known as ciguatera. They have also reported that the public is facing a growing health threat of antibiotic-resistant microbes in meat, including pathogens from fecal matter contamination. The CDC says eating contaminated pork can result in Hepatitis E; intake of raw alfalfa sprouts is risky from a food safety perspective; for every reported case of Salmonella poisoning, about 38 are not reported; in 2012, Campylobacter bacteria was found to contaminate 38% of sampled chicken breasts; a 2003-04 survey found pregnant women in the U.S., on average, harbor 35 different chemicals; pork tapeworms on the brain are a growing cause of neurological disease in the U.S; 78 million Americans are not getting enough arginine, which may help the body burn fat; a higher IQ is associated with higher future earnings; green tea phytonutrient ointment may be helpful in clearing external genital warts; and eating too much salt may be deleterious to our health. Also, it was in 2002 the CDC started noting lead poisoning cases connected to Ayurvedic medications and lastly, in 2012, the CDC reported the U.S. public was eating less in vegetables and fruit than in 2002.
A CDC spokesperson asked it if was reasonable that a parent lose a child because undercooked meat because the industry is trying to shift responsibility for food safety on to the consumer rather than providing a safer product. Through its publications, the CDC has described how undercooking meat can lead to parasite infestation and how antibiotic-resistant MRSA bacteria has been found in some samples of purchased meat.
For substantiation of any statements of fact from the peer-reviewed medical literature, please see the associated videos below.
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How did the medical and dental community react to U.S. regulators’ total 180 over water fluoridation, going from presumptively safe to presumptively dangerous?
According to the CDC, about a third of American children now have some form of cosmetic defects in their tooth enamel due to fluoride exposure, known as dental fluorosis.
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Twenty different materials put to the test.
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My recipes for DIY hand sanitizer and surface disinfectant for SARS-CoV-2.
How to treat the cause by preventing the emergence of pandemic viruses in the first place (a video I recorded more than a decade ago when I was Public Health Director at the HSUS in Washington DC).
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The 69-year delay in banning lead in paint in the United States has been attributed to the marketing and lobbying efforts of the industry profiting from the poison.
Physical fitness authorities seem to have fallen into the same trap as the nutrition authorities, recommending what they think may be achievable, rather than simply informing us what the science says and letting us make up our own mind.
Just as most doctors smoked in the 1950s, most physicians today continue to consume foods that are contributing to our epidemics of dietary disease.
We have tremendous power over our health destiny and longevity.
As many as 37 percent of human breast cancer cases may be attributable to exposure to bovine leukemia virus.
In this “best-of” compilation of his last four year-in-review presentations, Dr. Greger explains what we can do about the #1 cause of death and disability: our diet.
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Immunocompromised patients, such as those undergoing chemotherapy, are often denied fresh fruits and vegetables to ostensibly protect them against foodborne illness.
Neither antioxidant or folic acid supplements seem to help with mood, but the consumption of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables and folate-rich beans and greens may lower the risk for depression.
The effects of the neurotoxins that can contaminate fish like red snapper and grouper can last for decades.
The emergence of pathogens resistant to even our antibiotics of last resort has raised the specter of a “post-antibiotic age” in which drugs to fight infections may be useless. This has focused attention on the mass use of antibiotics in farm animal feed to promote growth and prevent infection in high density production.
Foster Farms chicken may have infected and sickened more than 10,000 people, due to contamination of the meat with fecal material.
Cancer-causing viruses in poultry may explain increased risks of death from liver and pancreatic cancers.
Dr. Greger has scoured the world’s scholarly literature on clinical nutrition, and developed this brand-new live presentation on the latest in cutting-edge research on how a healthy diet can affect some of our most common medical conditions.
This week Consumer Reports released a study showing the majority of retail pork tested was contaminated with antibiotic-resistant strains of the foodborne bacteria Yersinia enterocolitica.
The latest national survey on the levels of chemical pollutants (such as heavy metals, toxic solvents, endocrine-disrupters, flame-retardant chemicals, PCBs), and pesticides (such as DDT) in the bodies of pregnant and non-pregnant Americans.
The arginine content of nuts may explain their metabolism-boosting effects—though, in a list of the top food sources of arginine, nuts don’t even make the top ten.
Death in America is largely a foodborne illness. Focusing on studies published just over the last year in peer-reviewed scientific medical journals, Dr. Greger offers practical advice on how best to feed ourselves and our families to prevent, treat, and even reverse many of the top 15 killers in the United States.
Now officially incorporated into the Centers for Disease Control STD Treatment Guidelines, the topical application of phytonutrients from green tea on external genital warts results in an astounding 100% clearance in more than half the patients tested—a testament to the power of plants.
In a national survey, fewer than half of the participants realized meat contaminated with fecal food-poisoning bacteria, such as Salmonella, can still legally be sold. Rather than producing safe products, the meat industry shifts the responsibility for safety onto the consumer.
A case report (and video) of the worm-like, bloodsucking parasite Linguatula serrata, found in organ meats, that can migrate through the intestinal wall, into the bloodstream, and then inside one’s eyeball.