Antibiotic Resistance Genes in the Guts of Vegetarians vs. Meat-Eaters
Those eating plant-based have a reduced load of antibiotic resistance genes in their gut.
Those eating plant-based have a reduced load of antibiotic resistance genes in their gut.
Swapping just 1 percent of plant protein in place of animal protein was associated with significantly less age-related deficit accumulation.
What foods should we eat and avoid to reduce our risk of Afib?
Our gut flora is determined by what we eat, for good or for ill.
If you care about your health so much that it would be unthinkable to light up a cigarette before and after lunch, maybe you should order a bean burrito instead of a meaty one.
Healthy kidneys are required for potassium excretion. If you aren’t sure if you’re at risk, ask your doctor about getting your kidney function tested.
Is potassium chloride win-win by decreasing sodium intake and increasing potassium intake?
A staggering 99.99 percent of Americans fail to get the minimum recommended potassium intake (despite it being perhaps only half of our natural intake) and stay below the recommended sodium intake (even though it may be twice our natural intake).
Cranberries and pumpkin seeds are put to the test for benign prostatic hypertrophy.
If you’re going to have something unhealthy, is there anything you can eat with it to help mediate the damage it may cause?
How did the meat industry, government, and cancer organizations respond to the confirmation that processed meat, like bacon, ham, hot dogs, and lunch meat, causes cancer?
Why are nuts associated with decreased mortality, but not peanut butter?
What can physicians do to promote healthy, life-extending, lifestyle changes?
What are the risks and benefits of using vitamin C for depression and anxiety?
If you eat potatoes when they’re cold, as in potato salad, or chilled and reheated, you can get a nearly 40 percent lower glycemic impact.
Does the link between white potatoes and diabetes extend to non-fried potatoes without butter or sour cream?
Foods that reduce inflammation. What does an anti-inflammatory diet look like?
The foundation of cancer prevention is plants, not pills.
Does choosing organic over conventional foods protect against cancer? The effects of pesticides on cancer risk.
The recommended diet for leaky gut treatment. Which foods and food components can boost the integrity of our intestinal barrier?
How can you get a perfect diet score?
What happened when topical olive oil was pitted against an ibuprofen-type drug for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis?
The overall cost-benefit ratio for mycotoxins depends on which food is contaminated.
What are the pros and cons of relative risk versus absolute risk versus number-needed-to-treat versus average postponement of death taking cholesterol-lowering statin drugs?
See if you know more about basic nutrition than most doctors.
A randomized controlled trial investigates diet and psychological well-being.
How can we use sensory-specific satiety to our advantage?
Does the so-called miracle tree live up to the hype?
Fasting and exercise can raise BDNF levels in our brain, but this can also be achieved by eating and avoiding certain foods.
Women with breast cancer should include the “liberal culinary use of cruciferous vegetables.”
Switching to a plant-based diet has been shown to achieve far better outcomes than those reported on conventional treatments in both active and quiescent stages in both Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.
Eating a diet filled with animal products can disrupt your microbiome faster than taking an antibiotic.
If the nitrites in foods like ham and bacon cause lung damage, what about “uncured” meat with “no nitrites added”?
There is a toxin in lychee fruit that can be harmful, but only under certain circumstances?
How does sorghum compare with other grains in terms of protein, antioxidants, and micronutrients? And the benefits of red sorghum compared to black and white varieties.
An entire issue of a cardiology journal dedicated to plant-based nutrition explores the role an evidence-based diet can play in the reversal of congestive heart failure.
How much greenhouse gas does the production of different foods cause measured in miles driven or lightbulb hour equivalents?
The EAT-Lancet Commission lays out the best diet for human and planetary health.
Is it possible to reverse type 1 diabetes if caught early enough?
Buchinger modified fasting is put to the test.