Dr. Greger in the Kitchen: My New Favorite Dessert
Dr. Greger whips up some matcha ice cream inspired by a recipe in his How Not to Die Cookbook.
Dr. Greger whips up some matcha ice cream inspired by a recipe in his How Not to Die Cookbook.
Polyomaviruses discovered in meat can survive cooking and pasteurization.
Unlike most antiviral drugs, green tea appears to work by boosting the immune system to combat diseases such as genital warts (caused by HPV) and the flu (caused by the influenza virus).
Dr. Greger has scoured the world’s scholarly literature on clinical nutrition, and developed this brand-new live presentation on the latest in cutting-edge research on how a healthy diet can affect some of our most common medical conditions.
Most young women get infected with human papilloma virus, the cause of cervical cancer, but most are able to clear the infection before the virus causes cancer. What dietary changes can improve viral clearance?
Now officially incorporated into the Centers for Disease Control STD Treatment Guidelines, the topical application of phytonutrients from green tea on external genital warts results in an astounding 100% clearance in more than half the patients tested—a testament to the power of plants.