Topic summary contributed by volunteer(s): Dan

75% of men with narrowed arteries due to cholesterol have some form of erectile dysfunction and a lower quality of life. Popular diets, namely the Atkins diet, may actually increase your risk of developing sexual dysfunction. A plant-based diet, however, may help diseased arteries, benefiting not only blood flow to your heart, but all your vital organs.

Nitric oxide is a compound made by an enzyme essential for blood vessel dilation in all arteries–including those arteries in the pelvic region. Drugs specifically targeting erectile dysfunction increase nitric oxide production in vessels, but not without potentialside-effects. Two foods may be particularly effective in reducing or possibly even eliminating erectile dysfunction. Watermelon and pistachio nuts may improve erectile function. Certain plastics chemicals may impair function though.

For substantiation of any statements of fact from the peer-reviewed medical literature, please see the associated videos below.

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