Plant-Based Diet for Minimal Change Disease of the Kidney
What are the three reasons plant protein is preferable to animal protein for kidney protection?
What are the three reasons plant protein is preferable to animal protein for kidney protection?
The recommended diet for leaky gut treatment. Which foods and food components can boost the integrity of our intestinal barrier?
Avoid these foods for leaky gut prevention: common drugs, foods, and beverages can disrupt the integrity of our intestinal barrier.
Emulsifiers are the most widely used food additive. What are they doing to our gut microbiome?
Is the exaggerated reaction of many Crohn’s disease patients to baker’s, brewer’s, and nutritional yeast just a consequence of their inflamed leaky gut, or might the yeast be a contributing cause?
Vitamin D supplements were put to the test for Crohn’s disease.
Avoid sugary and cholesterol-laden foods to reduce the risk of our most common cause of chronic liver disease.
The rising incidence of tick-bite induced meat allergies may account for cases of previously unexplained (“idiopathic”) persistent hives among children.
Carrageenan is a food additive used as a thickener and fat substitute in a variety of dairy and nondairy products. Concerns about potential intestinal tract damage are placed in the context of dietary consequences.
A single meal of meats, eggs, and dairy can cause a spike of inflammation within hours that can stiffen one’s arteries. Originally, this was thought to be the result of saturated animal fat causing our gut lining to leak bacterial toxins into our bloodstream, leading to endotoxemia.