Best Foods to Reduce Stroke Risk
What are the protective components of dietary patterns and foods associated with lower risk of cerebrovascular disease, or stroke?
What are the protective components of dietary patterns and foods associated with lower risk of cerebrovascular disease, or stroke?
The benefits of taking a daily aspirin must be weighed against the risk of internal bleeding.
How can soy foods have it both ways with pro-estrogenic effects in some organs that can protect bones and reduce hot flash symptoms, yet also anti-estrogenic effects in others that protect against breast and endometrial cancer?
Seaweed salad is put to the test for hypertension.
We have tremendous power over our health destiny and longevity.
How might beans, berries, and intact (not just whole) grains reduce colon cancer risk?
Vegetables and fruit, such as dried plums, may help build stronger bones.
Our physiology evolved for millions of years eating a plant-based diet. What would happen if researchers tried to recreate our ancestral diet in the lab?
What happens when you take blood from people before and then again four hours after almond consumption, and drip that blood on bone cells?
If copper is associated with Alzheimer’s disease, what about healthy, whole plant food sources such as nuts, seeds, beans, and whole grains?
Type 2 diabetes can be reversed with severe calorie restriction—whether by surgery or starvation—but did you know it can also be reversed simply by eating healthier?
Energy density explains how a study can show participants lose an average of 17 pounds within 21 days while eating a greater quantity of food.
The extraordinarily low rates of chronic disease among plant-based populations have been attributed to fiber, but reductionist thinking may lead us astray.
Diet and lifestyle improvements started even late in life can offer dramatic benefits.
When placed head-to-head against the American Diabetes Association diet, how do plant-based diets fare in terms of not only blood sugar, body weight, and cholesterol control, but also mood and quality of life?
What happens inside the arteries going to the hearts and brains of those who add nuts or extra virgin olive oil to their diet?
Concerns about smoothies and oxalic acid, nitrate availability, dental erosion, and weight gain are addressed.
Eating intact grains, beans, and nuts (as opposed to bread, hummus, and nut butters) may have certain advantages for our gut flora and blood sugar control, raising questions about blending fruits and vegetables.
Causes of dry eye disease include LASIK laser eye surgery, but there are dietary approaches to prevention and treatment.
Does extra virgin olive oil have the same adverse effect on arterial function as refined oils and animal fats?
Big Candy boasts studies showing that those who eat chocolate weigh less than those who don’t, but what does the best science show?
The fat-burning properties of brown adipose tissue can be boosted by cold exposure, certain flavor molecules, and arginine-rich foods.
Dr. Greger has scoured the world’s scholarly literature on clinical nutrition and developed this new presentation based on the latest in cutting edge research exploring the role diet may play in preventing, arresting, and even reversing some of our most feared causes of death and disability.
The mercury content in fish may help explain links found between fish intake and mental disorders, depression, and suicide.
Saturated fat can be toxic to the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas, explaining why animal fat consumption can impair insulin secretion, not just insulin sensitivity.
Heme iron, the type found predominantly in blood and muscle, is absorbed better than the non-heme iron that predominates in plants, but may increase the risk of cancer, stroke, heart disease, and metabolic syndrome.
Which foods should we eat and avoid to prevent and treat acid reflux before it can place us at risk for Barrett’s esophagus and cancer?
High blood pressure, the #1 killer risk factor in the world, may be eliminated with a healthy enough diet.
Death row nutrition offers some insight into the standard American diet.
Insufficient intake of fiber-rich foods may lead to the stiffening of our arteries associated with risk of having a stroke.
What are the four problematic nutritional aspects of even plant-based Mediterranean diets?
Does just reducing one’s intake of meat, dairy, and eggs significantly reduce mortality?
Of all the components of a healthy Mediterranean diet, which are associated with a longer lifespan?
A randomized controlled trial found that a Mediterranean-type diet can dramatically lower the risk of subsequent heart attacks. How does it compare with plant-based diet data?
A randomized controlled trial found that a Mediterranean-type diet can dramatically lower the risk of subsequent heart attacks. How does it compare with plant-based diet data?
What was it about the diet on the Greek isle of Crete in the 1950s that made it so healthy?
The reason those eating plant-based diets have less fat buildup in their muscle cells and less insulin resistance may be because saturated fats appear to impair blood sugar control the most.
The Paleolithic period represents just the last two million years of human evolution. What did our bodies evolve to eat during the first 90% of our time on Earth?
Those who sit most of the day and are unable to use a standing or treadmill desk, or take frequent breaks from sitting, should consider the regular ingestion of the spice turmeric to protect endothelial function.
Since many tumors take decades to grow it’s remarkable that cancer risk can so dramatically be reduced– even late in life.