How Much Microplastic Is Found in Fish Fillets?
How many plastic particles per serving have been found in the fish muscle itself?
How many plastic particles per serving have been found in the fish muscle itself?
Plastic particles may exacerbate the pollutant contamination of fish.
Can ingested plastic particles from fish get into our bloodstream?
Do BPA-free plastics, such as Tritan, have human hormone-disrupting effects? And what about BPS and BPF?
Using skin lotion or hand sanitizer before touching thermal paper, such as cash register receipts and printed tickets, can facilitate the absorption of BPA into the body.
If the synthetic estrogen BPA is linked to billions of dollars’ worth of medical problems a year, why is it still allowed in the food supply?
Ninety percent of our exposure to the hormone-disrupting chemical bisphenol A (BPA) comes from certain components of our diet.
The highest levels of phthalates, hormone-disrupting plastics chemical pollutants, are found in meats, fats, and dairy.
Eating a plant-based diet and avoiding scented personal care products and certain children’s and adult toys can reduce exposure to hormone-disrupting chemicals.
Foods of animal origin (especially fish) appear to be the most important source of human exposure to industrial pollutants such as alkylphenol xenoestrogens.
What a few days eating vegetarian can do to the levels of antibiotics and phthalates flowing through one’s body.
Canned foods and sliced turkey were found to be contaminated with the plastics chemical BPA, which has been linked to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and erectile dysfunction.
The latest national survey on the levels of chemical pollutants (such as heavy metals, toxic solvents, endocrine-disrupters, flame-retardant chemicals, PCBs), and pesticides (such as DDT) in the bodies of pregnant and non-pregnant Americans.
Eating chicken during pregnancy may affect the size and development of one’s son’s penis due to phthalate contamination of the meat.