Which Brand of Tuna Has the Most Mercury?
In a survey of three national brands of tuna in the United States, most cans exceeded the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s safety level for human consumption.
In a survey of three national brands of tuna in the United States, most cans exceeded the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s safety level for human consumption.
Studies of the neurobehavioral toxicity of mercury on children suggest that no level of mercury exposure can be considered safe, but pressure from the fish industry may be preventing safety limits from dropping further.
The EPA safety limit on mercury in fish may not sufficiently protect pregnant women in the United States. This has led to a recommendation that fish-eating women get tested for mercury before considering getting pregnant.
The consumption of dark fish (such as salmon, swordfish, bluefish, mackerel, and sardines) may increase our risk of atrial fibrillation—an irregular heartbeat rhythm associated with stroke, dementia, heart failure, and a shortened lifespan.
Excreted pharmaceutical drugs, such as Prozac, can end up polluting our waterways, and may bioaccumulate in fish flesh.
There’s a rare toxin, called domoic acid, that can turn up in tuna and other seafood and cause anterograde amnesia, the loss of short-term memory popularized in the movie Memento.
Risk of developing cataracts was compared in meat-eaters, fish-eaters, vegetarians, and vegans.
Nitrites in processed meat form nitrosamines, a class of potent carcinogens found in cigarette smoke, which may explain why hot dog consumption has been associated with the two leading pediatric cancers, brain tumors and childhood leukemia.
Since foods are effectively a package deal, what’s the best way to get vitamin B12 (cobalamin)?
Both U.S.-made and imported Ayurvedic dietary supplements have high contamination rates of toxic metals such as mercury—though only a small fraction of the levels found in canned tuna.
Biogenic amines such as spermine, cadaverine, and putrescine are chemical compounds of decay that may have adverse health effects. Which foods are most contaminated: beer, blue cheese, feta cheese, kimchi, miso, sardines, sauerkraut, sausage, soy sauce, tempeh, tuna, or wine?
What is responsible for the rising prevalence of atopic diseases, such as food allergies, asthma, hay fever, and eczema?
500 foods were tested for advanced glycation end products (AGEs).
The intake of trans fats, which come mostly from junk food and animal products; saturated fat, mostly from dairy products and chicken; and cholesterol, coming mostly from eggs and chicken, should be as low as possible.
The mercury contamination in tuna and other fish may adversely impact future earnings by impairing brain function, and leading to a loss of intelligence (IQ).
Major fish oil manufacturers and drug stores are being sued for failing to disclose the PCB pollutants in fish oil supplements.
Chicken and eggs are the top sources of arachidonic acid in the diet—an omega-6 fatty acid involved in our body’s inflammatory response.
The purported role arachidonic acid plays in brain inflammation could explain why eliminating chicken, fish, and eggs may improve symptoms of mood disturbance, depression, anxiety, and stress within two weeks.
The top three sources of industrial toxins in the diet are fish oil, fish, and eggs.
Eating chicken during pregnancy may affect the size and development of one’s son’s penis due to phthalate contamination of the meat.
Rate your diet on a scale of 0 to 100 using the phytochemical index, and compare your score to the Standard American Diet.
On average, plant foods have 64 times more antioxidant power than red meat, poultry, fish, dairy, and eggs— but is it a fair comparison?
In the most extensive study of its kind ever published, the amount of anti-aging anticancer antioxidants is measured across thousands of different foods.
Pharmaceuticals flushed into our waterways may end up contaminating fish.
The role of a parasitic worm in allergic reactions to chicken and fish.
Much of our fish supply is so polluted that algae-derived sources of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids may be safest option.
Eating a can of tuna once a week is equivalent to living with how many mercury-containing amalgam tooth fillings?
Fifty different brands of high-fructose corn syrup-containing foods were tested for mercury.
Balancing the risks and benefits of fish consumption.
The levels of industrial pollutants found in aquaculture.
The proportion of sushi that exceeds the national food standards guidelines for fecal bacteria levels.