Does Toxoplasmosis Cause Schizophrenia?
A brain parasite is considered “probably one of the most important risk factors for schizophrenia.”
A brain parasite is considered “probably one of the most important risk factors for schizophrenia.”
Oil pulling is put to the test head-to-head against chlorhexidine mouthwash for oral and dental health measures.
What evidence exists to suggest oil pulling can effectively treat serious diseases, such as paralysis, meningitis, cancer, and AIDS?
Is the exaggerated reaction of many Crohn’s disease patients to baker’s, brewer’s, and nutritional yeast just a consequence of their inflamed leaky gut, or might the yeast be a contributing cause?
What was the response to the revelation that as many as 37 percent of breast cancer cases may be attributable to exposure to bovine leukemia virus, a cancer-causing cow virus found in the milk of nearly every dairy herd in the United States?
Powdered ginger can be a highly effective, cheap, easy-to-use, safer treatment for nausea, migraine headaches, and menstrual blood loss and pain. Does it also work for IBS intestinal cramping?
Because certain tumors such as breast cancers thrive in settings of low-grade inflammation, our immune response can sometimes facilitate tumor growth.
Employees in natural food stores have been caught giving advice that is not only scientifically baseless, but also risky and downright dangerous.
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus “superbug” found not only contaminating the U.S. retail meat supply, but isolated from air samples outside swine CAFOs.