Natural Ozempic Alternatives: Boosting GLP-1 with Diet and Lifestyle
Certain spices and the quinine in tonic water can boost GLP-1, but at what cost?
Topic summary contributed by volunteer(s): Lori and Dawn
Curry powder is a blend of spices. One of its component spices, turmeric, gives some Indian dishes their distinctive golden yellow color. It’s one of many spices that can be used as a healthier alternative to salt. Turmeric has received much scientific attention in recent years due to one if its components, curcumin.
Many studies suggest potential benefits of eating curry for those suffering a variety of illnesses ranging from diabetes to cancer.
While people in India have long used curry powder for pain and fatigue, scientists were only able to confirm its efficacy more recently, in a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. Patients given curcumin following gallbladder surgery experienced a significant reduction in pain and fatigue.
Curcumin has also been shown to reduce disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis sufferers while at the same time reducing joint tenderness and swelling. In addition, scientists have learned curcumin activates so-called “death receptors” that cause many different types of cancer cells to self-destruct, while leaving normal cells intact. Research has shown that curcumin may also reduce the number of precancerous lesions that are a precursor to colon cancer.
To maximize absorption, curcumin should be eaten with a pinch of black pepper or eaten with fat, which facilitates direct absorption into the bloodstream. Bioavailability is enhanced when it’s used whole (powder or root).
For substantiation of any statements of fact from the peer-reviewed medical literature, please see the associated videos below.
Image Credit: Candi / Pixabay. This image has been modified.
Certain spices and the quinine in tonic water can boost GLP-1, but at what cost?
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A randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial on the use of the turmeric pigment curcumin to prevent diabetes in prediabetics is published with extraordinary results.
The anti-inflammatory effect of curcumin, the pigment in the spice turmeric, was put to the test to see if it could reduce postoperative pain and fatigue after surgery.
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Rural India has the lowest validated Alzheimer’s rates in the world. Is it due to the turmeric in their curry, or their largely plant-based diets?
For accessible cancers such as skin, mouth, and vulva, the spice turmeric can be applied in an ointment. Note: there’s an image of ulcerating breast cancer from 3:03 to 3:09 that viewers may find disturbing.
What role might the spice turmeric play in both the prevention of precancerous polyps, and the treatment of colorectal cancer?
The spice turmeric appears to be able to switch back on the self-destruct mechanism within cancer cells.
Less than a teaspoon a day of turmeric appears to significantly lower the DNA-mutating ability of cancer-causing substances.
Dramatically lower cancer rates in India may in part be attributable to their more plant-based, spice-rich diet.
Dietary strategies, including the use of black pepper (piperine), can boost blood levels of curcumin from the spice turmeric by up to 2,000%.
Randomized controlled trial comparing the safety and efficacy of drugs versus curcumin, the yellow pigment in the spice turmeric, for the treatment of autoimmune inflammatory rheumatoid arthritis.
The DNA of those cooking with spices such as ginger, rosemary, and turmeric appears less susceptible to breakage.
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