Natural Ozempic Alternatives: Boosting GLP-1 with Diet and Lifestyle
Certain spices and the quinine in tonic water can boost GLP-1, but at what cost?
Topic summary contributed by volunteer(s): Miranda
Eggplants are members of the nightshade family, which may be neuroprotective and help prevent Parkinson’s disease based on some not-yet-identified phytonutrient.
Eggplants may also offer protection against the development of cancer, as they have been shown to have a high capacity to bind to carcinogenic bile acids, which helps remove bile acids from the body.
As with nearly all vegetables, variation in preparation method may dramatically change the bioavailability of their health-promoting components; deep-frying and boiling methods that discard the cooking water generally decrease the health-promoting effects of vegetables.
For substantiation of any statements of fact from the peer-reviewed medical literature, please see the associated videos below.
Image Credit: Petra Göschel / Pixabay. This image has been modified.
Certain spices and the quinine in tonic water can boost GLP-1, but at what cost?
How can you mediate the phytonutrient-destroying enzyme in avocados, bananas, and mushrooms?
Does every-other-day-eating prevent the metabolic slowing that accompanies weight loss or improve compliance over constant day-to-day calorie restriction?
Might the nicotine content in nightshade vegetables, such as tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, and bell peppers, protect against Parkinson’s disease?
Which foods are best at removing carcinogenic bile acids from the body: asparagus, beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, collards, eggplant, green beans, kale, mustard greens, okra, or peppers? And do they work better raw or cooked?
If nitrates can boost athletic performance and protect against heart disease, which vegetables have the most—beans, bulb vegetables (like garlic and onions), fruiting vegetables (like eggplant and squash), greens (such as arugula), mushrooms, root vegetables (such as carrots and beets), or stem vegetables (such as celery and rhubarb)?
Which are the gentlest cooking methods for preserving nutrients, and which vegetables have more antioxidants cooked than raw?