Do Vitamin E Supplements Have Benefits for Cancer, Immunity, and Longevity?
Those who buy vitamin E supplements may in effect be paying to live a shorter life.
Those who buy vitamin E supplements may in effect be paying to live a shorter life.
Can pets like cats and dogs get infected and be infectious?
There are things you can do right now to reduce your risk of falling seriously ill and dying from this disease.
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Why can’t we stop COVID-19 like we stopped SARS and MERS, the other two 21st century coronavirus outbreaks?
One food may be able to combat all four purported causal factors of autism: synaptic dysfunction, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and neuroinflammation.
Dramatic improvements in autistic children when they have a fever suggest that the disease may be reversible if one can replicate the phenomenon in other ways.
The aspirin compounds naturally found in plant foods may help explain the lower cancer rates among those eating plant-based diets.
Vegetables tested head-to-head to see which boosts immune function best.
Brown adipose tissue is a unique organ that burns fat to create heat, improving temperature regulation in infants and weight loss in adults.
Gargling, as commonly practiced in Japan, can not only soothe a sore throat, but may even prevent one.
Studies in the U.S. and Canada focus on what advice and supplements natural food store employees would offer a woman suffering from breast cancer.
Indian gooseberries (amla), an important plant in Ayurvedic medicine, may have anticancer properties, as well as cough-, fever-, pain-, stress-, and diarrhea-suppressing effects.