Topic summary contributed by volunteer(s): Jessica

Benefits of Grape Juice

Grape juice has been found to have beneficial health properties, including an apparent decrease in platelet activity—similar to the effects seen with aspirin. This is significant, as platelet activity is implicated in the initiation and development of atherosclerosis.

Concord grape juice is part of the category of blue/purple foods (such as berries) that are associated with improving verbal learning, due to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Such foods may be helpful in improving cognitive function in older adults with memory decline. When a study compared multiple varieties of juice, purple grape juice was ranked first in terms of the amount of phenolics—phytonutrients that may provide protection against Alzheimer’s disease.

Phytonutrients, such as those found in grape juice, may also play a role in increasing thermogenesis (heat generation) and fat oxidation, which both enhance metabolism.

Grapes: Juice vs. Fruit

If grape juice has these benefits, consider how many more may be gained from eating intact grapes. When measuring the antioxidant capacity of various fruits and juices, the amount present in whole fruit far surpasses that found in juice—including grape juice with added vitamin C.

The one thing juice offers that whole fruit does not is excessive sugar: Welch’s grape juice contains more sugar than Coca Cola—at the rate of nine teaspoons per cup.

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