The Best Way to Boost NAD+: Supplements vs. Diet (webinar recording)
The pros and cons of all the NAD+ supplements and what are the ways to boost NAD+ naturally with diet and lifestyle?
The pros and cons of all the NAD+ supplements and what are the ways to boost NAD+ naturally with diet and lifestyle?
Currently, there are more than 30 FDA-approved testosterone products for men, but none for women.
As of 2019, there are urine-free FDA-approved bioidentical hormones that skirt the standardization concerns of compounded preparations. Are they any safer?
Soy can be considered a first-line treatment for menopausal hot flash and night sweat symptoms.
Why do 85 percent of menopausal women suffer hot flashes in some countries but only 15 percent in others?
Does vaginal estrogen carry the same risk as oral estrogen?
I discuss the first-line management of genitourinary syndrome of menopause (vulvovaginal atrophy).
Specific foods have been shown in randomized controlled trials to improve symptoms like hot flashes.
Certain gut bacteria can supercharge the benefits of soy foods, resulting in even more bone protection, better control of menopausal symptoms, and lower prostate cancer risk, but how can we foster the growth of these good bacteria?
Does soy food consumption explain why Japanese women appear to be so protected from hot flash symptoms?
What are the effects of both oral and topical application of the spice saffron for impotence in men?