Dietary Guidelines: Science vs. Corporate Interests
The USDA Dietary Guidelines Committee stands accused of ignoring the science to justify its recommendation to eat meat.
The USDA Dietary Guidelines Committee stands accused of ignoring the science to justify its recommendation to eat meat.
Since foods are a package deal, Dr. Walter Willet, the Chair of Harvard’s nutrition department, recommends we emphasize plant sources of protein, rather than animal sources.
Why does the medical establishment sometimes ignore highly efficacious therapies, such as plant-based diets, for heart disease prevention and treatment?
The China-Oxford-Cornell Diet and Health Project directed by T. Colin Campbell and colleagues showed that chronic diseases, such as heart disease, are not inevitable consequences of aging.
Dr. Dean Ornish proved decades ago that heart disease could be reversed solely with diet and lifestyle changes.
Medicare is now accepting for reimbursement the Dean Ornish Program for Reversing Heart Disease and the Pritikin Program, which, on a personal note, is what inspired me to go into medicine.
The egg industry is attempting to improve the fatty acid lipid profile of eggs by feeding blubber from the Canadian harp seal hunt to laying hens.
Chicken and eggs are the top sources of arachidonic acid in the diet—an omega-6 fatty acid involved in our body’s inflammatory response.
Arachidonic acid may play a role in cancer, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and other autoimmune disorders.
The purported role arachidonic acid plays in brain inflammation could explain why eliminating chicken, fish, and eggs may improve symptoms of mood disturbance, depression, anxiety, and stress within two weeks.
Which country has the largest (and smallest) average stool size?
Most women experience a four-day intestine transit time; likely too long to meet the target 200 gram (half pound) minimum fecal output for cancer prevention.
Women eating vegetarian may have lower breast cancer rates because they have larger bowel movements.
The top three sources of industrial toxins in the diet are fish oil, fish, and eggs.
Excessive intake of kelp (kombu) or thyroid-containing sausages can lead to iodine toxicity.
Disinfectants used to sanitize cow udders may provide a source of iodine for dairy consumers, but can also increase the concentration of pus in milk from cows with staph infection mastitis.
Meat, animal protein, and soy milk can affect premature breast development in girls.
Vitamin B12 deficiency is common among those eating vegetarian and particularly vegan diets because of failure to take B12 supplements or eat B12-fortifed foods.
Vitamin B12 is an imperative for those eating vegetarian and vegan diets, especially during pregnancy and infancy.
Vitamin B12 deficiency can be life-threatening.
Rate your diet on a scale of 0 to 100 using the phytochemical index, and compare your score to the Standard American Diet.
On average, plant foods have 64 times more antioxidant power than red meat, poultry, fish, dairy, and eggs— but is it a fair comparison?
In the most extensive study of its kind ever published, the amount of anti-aging anticancer antioxidants is measured across thousands of different foods.
Dr. Dean Ornish turns from reversing heart disease to trying to reverse prostate cancer.
How to essentially eliminate the great scourge of the Western world.
The mental age of children eating plant-based diets appears to exceed their peers.
Medical education continues to underemphasize clinical nutrition.
Some nutrients are destroyed by cooking, but some nutrients become more absorbable.
Researchers discovered a dietary intervention that may slow the progression of cancer.