Researchers pit plain white mushrooms against breast cancer cells in vitro to measure aromatase activity, and estimate how many mushrooms women may want to strive to include in their daily diet.
Breast Cancer vs. Mushrooms
Doctor's Note
Mushrooms appear to work in the lab to suppress breast cancer cell growth—but what about in the real world? That’s the subject of Why Do Asian Women Have Less Breast Cancer? The placenta study was profiled in Vegetables Versus Breast Cancer, and a comparison of the effects of different types of mushrooms can be found in Breast Cancer Prevention: Which Mushroom is Best? More on the magic of mushrooms in Making Our Arteries Less Sticky, and Constructing a Cognitive Portfolio. Probably a good idea to cook them, though. Also, I have dozens of other videos on breast cancer.
For more context, check out my associated blog posts: Why Less Breast Cancer in Asia?; Vitamin D from Mushrooms, Sun, or Supplements?; and Mushrooms and Immunity.
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