Update on Herbalife®

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The liver toxicity associated with Herbalife® supplements may be due to vitamin A toxicity.


What about Herbalife supplements? We were concerned about liver toxicity, and we’re still concerned about liver toxicity. We think it may be because it has too much vitamin A. In fact, there have even been calls to have all animal-based vitamin A supplements just pulled from the shelves, because of concerns about safety.

Of course, it’s naturally found in fish. This year, from the Journal of Food Protection: someone ate some red snapper, and got vitamin A poisoning. Just a few hours after ingestion, headaches, vomiting, fever, visual disorientation, followed by peeling of the skin. This poor 41-year-old guy suffered serious peeling of the skin that took more than three months to heal.

To see any graphs, charts, graphics, images, and quotes to which Dr. Greger may be referring, watch the above video. This is just an approximation of the audio contributed by veganmontreal.

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Images thanks to Otota DANA via Flickr

What about Herbalife supplements? We were concerned about liver toxicity, and we’re still concerned about liver toxicity. We think it may be because it has too much vitamin A. In fact, there have even been calls to have all animal-based vitamin A supplements just pulled from the shelves, because of concerns about safety.

Of course, it’s naturally found in fish. This year, from the Journal of Food Protection: someone ate some red snapper, and got vitamin A poisoning. Just a few hours after ingestion, headaches, vomiting, fever, visual disorientation, followed by peeling of the skin. This poor 41-year-old guy suffered serious peeling of the skin that took more than three months to heal.

To see any graphs, charts, graphics, images, and quotes to which Dr. Greger may be referring, watch the above video. This is just an approximation of the audio contributed by veganmontreal.

Please consider volunteering to help out on the site.

Images thanks to Otota DANA via Flickr

Doctor's Note

Check out these videos on fat-soluble vitamins:
Take Vitamin D Supplements With Meals
Is Vitamin D the New Vitamin E?
Is Vitamin D3 Better Than D2?

And for more about Herbalife, check out Herbalife® Supplement Liver Toxicity

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