Dr. Greger in the Kitchen: Groatnola
Dr. Greger whips up another of his go-to breakfast meals.
Topic summary contributed by volunteer(s): Laura
Microwave ovens target water molecules in food and increase movement through an energy called microwaves. The friction caused by the water molecules creates heat. With the passing of these waves through the food, no ions or subatomic particles enter the food, thus the meal does not become “radioactive.” From time to time, an article about microwaving food may warn of the dangers of molecular “excitability” or proteins breaking down. Molecular movement always increases with higher temperatures and proteins are altered by all forms of cooking.
Foods microwaved in plastic have been shown to absorb hormone-disrupting compounds such as Bisphenol A, or BPA. Absorption may be increased when the plastic is in contact with fats and oils or with longer cooking times. By microwaving food in glassware, the estrogen-mimicking compounds are avoided.
Recent studies were done to compare antioxidant levels after various methods of cooking vegetables. Vegetables cooked in the microwave retained their antioxidant power significantly above those boiled or fried. Surprisingly, microwaved vegetables kept their healthy properties over their steamed or pressure-cooked counterparts.
For substantiation of any statements of fact from the peer-reviewed medical literature, please see the associated videos below.
Dr. Greger whips up another of his go-to breakfast meals.
Broccoli, vinegar, and lemon juice are put to the test to blunt the glycemic index of white potatoes.
Microwaving is probably the most efficient way to reduce agaritine levels in fresh mushrooms.
I recommend glass, ceramic, porcelain, or stainless-steel tableware and wooden or stainless-steel cooking utensils.
How Dr. Greger pressure steams his greens.
Dark green leafy vegetables are the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. What’s the best way to prepare them?
Boiling, steaming, microwaving, air frying, and sous vide cooking are put to the test for nutrient retention.
What are the eight preparation methods to reduce exposure to carcinogens in cooked meat?
Chicken, fish, and egg powder in processed foods present greater risk from cholesterol oxidation byproducts, but there are things you can do to reduce exposure.
Simple kitchen experiments can confirm that microwaves leak from microwave ovens during operation, but do they pose a health risk?
The hazards of microwave ovens may not be what you might expect.
Most hunters may not be aware about the health risks related to consuming meat from animals shot with lead ammunition.
Do BPA-free plastics, such as Tritan, have human hormone-disrupting effects? And what about BPS and BPF?
The artificial butter flavoring diacetyl has been linked not only to deaths of workers handling the chemical, but also to serious lung disease in consumers of microwave popcorn.
Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties of white compared to yellow and purple potatoes. Purple potatoes may also help lower high blood pressure.
Some herbs and spices—including cinnamon, cloves, lemon balm, marjoram, oregano, and peppermint—are so rich in antioxidants that just a small pinch can go a long way.
Which are the gentlest cooking methods for preserving nutrients, and which vegetables have more antioxidants cooked than raw?