Topic summary contributed by volunteer(s): Allen

Plants have evolved ways to protect themselves from threats to their well-being by manufacturing protective substances. Studies have suggested that plants and humans have similar signaling systems and responses to infection and wound healing. Therefore, plant phytonutrients can benefit human functioning and healing.

Plants That Help Inflammation

Plants can provide protection to people who eat them. For example, by eating plants that contain nitrites, people produce nitric oxide in their saliva; licking the skin kills disease-causing microorganisms. Plants produce aspirin when they get infected; those eating plant-based diets have low levels of aspirin in their systems that help prevent inflammation without the risks of aspirin pills. Other anti-inflammatory plants with wound healing properties are turmeric’s curcumin, chamomile and amla (Indian gooseberry), one of the most important medicinal plants in Ayurvedic medicine.

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