Boosting Collagen Formation Through Diet and Supplements

Boosting Collagen Formation Through Diet and Supplements

Recording Available

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body. As we age, our synthesis of collagen decreases by about 1 percent a year, which may contribute to the development of wrinkles. In this hour-long live webinar, I’ll address whether collagen supplements may help with skin aging, as well as with arthritis, and how we can maintain and boost our own body’s synthesis of collagen with diet.

Preventing and Treating Osteoporosis

Preventing and Treating Osteoporosis

Recording Available

Nearly one in five adults in the world may have osteoporosis, but the good news is that only about 30 percent of osteoporotic bone fracture risk is genetic. In this live two-hour webinar, I’ll cover bone mineral density screening, common over-the-counter drugs like acid blockers that may increase fracture risk, how safe and effective the current oral and injected osteoporosis medications are, which foods may help protect our bones, the best type and frequency of exercise, and how to reduce fall risk. Please join me at 2pm ET on May 12.

Why I Changed My Mind on Water Fluoridation

Why I Changed My Mind on Water Fluoridation

Recording Available

A medical consensus of public health authorities around the world has considered water fluoridation at appropriate levels as a safe and effective means to prevent cavities on a community-wide scale. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention deemed the fluoridation of drinking water as one of the top ten public health achievements of the 20th century. There is little question that supplemental fluoride strengthens teeth and reduces decay, but at what cost?

In the last few years, there have been growing concerns about the adverse effects of fluoride on brain development. Given the National Toxicology Program’s draft conclusion that fluoride should now be presumed to be a cognitive neurodevelopmental hazard, a dispassionate and tempered discussion of fluoride’s potential neurotoxicity is warranted.

Ironically, it was the anti-fluoridationists who were accused of their “anti-scientific” attitudes, but now it’s the pro-fluoridationists who may be ignoring evidence that doesn’t conform to their beliefs. I hope you’ll join me at 2pm ET on Friday, February 24, for a live one-hour webinar, where I’ll discuss these issues, address fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash, and answer your questions.

Should You Supplement with Vitamin K2?

Should You Supplement with Vitamin K2?

Recording Available

Vitamin K supplements are touted for bone, brain, and heart health, but have they been shown to help? To complicate matters, there are multiple types: Vitamin K1 is concentrated in greens, and a type of vitamin K2 is found in animal products. Do we need both? Do we have to rely on a healthy microbiome for conversion? Do we have to eat a slimy, fermented food called natto? What is natto anyway? Join me for a 60-minute live webinar on October 7 at 2pm ET to learn everything you ever wanted to know about vitamin K.

The Benefits of Yoga Put to The Test

The Benefits of Yoga Put to The Test

Recording Available

Yoga is practiced by millions of Americans and often recommended as therapy for a variety of medical conditions. Are there benefits beyond just the exercise component? Yoga has been put to the test for multiple sclerosis, back pain, neck pain, insomnia, breast cancer, depression, anxiety, urinary incontinence, headaches, diabetes, osteoarthritis, irritable bowel, inflammatory bowel, hot flashes, and osteoporosis. Did it work, and, if so, which of the more than 50 styles of yoga worked best? Is it safe for everyone? Are there certain poses that should be avoided? These are some of the issues I will cover in this 1.5-hour live webinar on September 9 at 2pm ET. I hope you’ll join me!

Which Sweeteners Are Safe? The Latest on Allulose and Erythritol

Which Sweeteners Are Safe? The Latest on Allulose and Erythritol

Recording Available

Industrial sweeteners have evolved over the decades. Sugar and high fructose corn syrup were the first. The second generation was those artificial sweeteners in pastel packets. We were soon introduced to the third generation, sugar alcohols like erythritol, and now have the fourth, sugars like allulose. I’ve talked about the concerns surrounding both artificial sweeteners and natural sweeteners, such as stevia and monkfruit, but I’ve generally given erythritol a pass. In this one-hour webinar, I’ll discuss the latest research on the health and safety of erythritol, as well as a new sweetener on the block: allulose.

How to Naturally Treat Halitosis (Bad Breath)

How to Naturally Treat Halitosis (Bad Breath)

Recording Available

At this very moment, approximately 30 percent of the U.S. population suffers regularly from bad breath. For those who may be thinking, “Phew! I’m glad I’m not one of them!,” the reality is that most people who are affected can’t actually smell the odor coming out of their own mouths.

Ninety percent of cases of bad breath are due to the putrefaction of debris on the tongue, which creates volatile sulfur compounds, such as the gas hydrogen sulfide known for smelling like rotten eggs. In a live, 90-minute webinar, I’ll talk about all of the dietary changes we can make to sweeten our breath, as well as take a deep dive into tongue scraping and brushing. I’ll also discuss the effect disrupting our mouth microbiome has on our heart health and explore the concern that tongue scraping could be carcinogenic.

Preventing Hair Loss: Drugs, Foods, and Supplements

Preventing Hair Loss: Drugs, Foods, and Supplements

Recording Available

By age 50, about half of all men and women will experience hair loss. The majority of age-related hair loss is genetic, but even identical twins can have dramatically different heads of hair depending on their diet and lifestyle. Join me for this live, hour-long webinar where I’ll cover the nutrient deficiencies that can increase your risk of hair loss and the drugs, dietary supplements, and foods that can promote hair growth.

The videos will soon be available for free on, but if you don’t want to wait to get answers to your burning questions, join me for this live presentation and Q&A session.

Are Potassium Salt Substitutes Safe and Effective?

Are Potassium Salt Substitutes Safe and Effective?

Recording Available

Fewer than 1 in 5,000 Americans meet the federal recommendations to get enough potassium and not too much sodium. So, what about using potassium-based salt substitutes? Instead of sodium chloride—better known as salt—why not shake on some potassium chloride?

That seems like it’s a little too good to be true. The same salty taste while you’re reducing sodium and increasing potassium? What’s the catch? Are potassium-based salt substitutes even safe? What about effective?

I cover all of that in this one-hour webinar. I hope you can join me.

Are White Potatoes Bad for You?

Are White Potatoes Bad for You?

Recording Available

Greater potato consumption is associated with a greater risk of coming down with type 2 diabetes, but of the hundred or so pounds of potatoes Americans eat every year, most are in the deep-fried form of French fries and potato chips. But even baked, boiled, or mashed potatoes seem to carry a small increased risk even after taking all the butter and sour cream into account. The reason that potato consumption may just have a neutral impact on mortality risk (as opposed to other whole plant foods–beans, nuts, vegetables, and fruits–that are linked to a longer life) is that all the fiber and vitamin C and potassium in white potatoes might be counterbalanced by the detrimental effects of their high glycemic index. By chilling and reheating potatoes, and adding vinegar or lemon juice you can dramatically lower the glycemic impact. I’ll also cover the best kinds of potatoes, address concerns about toxic glycoalkaloid compounds in the peel, and answer any questions you may have in this 1-hour live webinar on September 17th.

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