Are Weight-Loss Supplements Effective?
Are there any safe and effective dietary supplements for weight loss?
Are there any safe and effective dietary supplements for weight loss?
Only 2 out of 12 supplement companies were found to have products that were even accurately labeled.
Studies show many doctors tend to overestimate the amount of weight loss caused by obesity drugs or were simply clueless.
Why don’t more people take the weight loss medications currently on the market?
The amazing story about what lobbying millions can do to shut down efforts to protect children.
The Mayo Clinic puts amygdalin to the test to see if it is an effective cancer treatment.
Dozens of lipsticks and lip glosses are put to the test.
Do the benefits outweigh the risks for acid-blocker drugs (proton pump inhibitors like Nexium/Prilosec/Prevacid)? What about baking soda?
The effects of Red Bull and Monster brand energy drinks on artery function and athletic performance.
Is there risk of lead and PPD contamination of red and black henna?
Addyi (flibanserin), the drug marketed for “hypoactive sexual desire disorder,” is ineffective and unsafe. What about dietary approaches for female sexual dysfunction?
“Early” detection is actually really late. Without mammograms, breast cancer may not be caught for an average of 22.8 years. With mammograms, though, breast cancer may only grow and spread for…21.4 years.
Do calcium citrate and calcium carbonate have as much lead as calcium supplements derived from dolomite and animal bone?
High doses of lycopene—the red pigment in tomatoes—were put to the test to see if it could prevent precancerous prostate lesions from turning into full-blown cancer.
Given the lead contamination found in candies containing chili imported from Mexico, 25 hot sauces were tested for heavy metals.
What are some strategies to reduce arsenic exposure from rice?
Getting rice down to the so-called safe water limit for arsenic would still allow for roughly 500 times greater cancer risk than is normally considered acceptable.
When it comes to rice and rice-based products, pediatric nutrition authorities have recommended that arsenic intake should be as low as possible.
Arsenic levels were tested in 5,800 rice samples from 25 countries.
Brown rice contains more arsenic than white rice, but the arsenic in brown rice is less absorbable, so how does it wash out when you compare the urine arsenic levels of white-rice eaters to brown-rice eaters?
A daily half-cup of cooked rice may carry a hundred times the acceptable cancer risk of arsenic. What about seaweed from the coast of Maine?
What happens to our gut flora when we switch from a more animal-based diet to a more plant-based diet?
Shaving before applying underarm antiperspirants can increase aluminum absorption. Could this explain the greater number of tumors and the disproportionate incidence of breast cancer in the upper outer quadrant of the breast near the armpit?
Do BPA-free plastics, such as Tritan, have human hormone-disrupting effects? And what about BPS and BPF?
The majority of dietary supplement facilities tested were found noncompliant with good manufacturing practices guidelines.
The FDA appears to have caved to industry pressure and allows intestines potentially infected with mad cow disease prions into food products and lipstick.
How should we parse the conflicting human data on intake of aspartame (Nutrasweet) and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, multiple myeloma, leukemia, and pancreatic cancer?
Using skin lotion or hand sanitizer before touching thermal paper, such as cash register receipts and printed tickets, can facilitate the absorption of BPA into the body.
Perhaps dietary guidelines should stress fresh, frozen, and dried fruit—rather than canned.
In this “best-of” compilation of his last four year-in-review presentations, Dr. Greger explains what we can do about the #1 cause of death and disability: our diet.
What effect do artificial sweeteners such as sucralose (Splenda), saccharin (Sweet & Low), aspartame (Nutrasweet), and acesulfame K (Sweet One) have on our gut bacteria?
The processed food industries now use tactics similar to those used by cigarette companies to undermine public health interventions.
Immunocompromised patients, such as those undergoing chemotherapy, are often denied fresh fruits and vegetables to ostensibly protect them against foodborne illness.
Beta glucan fiber in nutritional yeast may improve immune function, but there is a concern about lead contamination in some brands.
Freedom of Information Act documents show drug companies hid critical findings from doctors and the public.
If foods like berries and dark green leafy vegetables have been found protective against cognitive decline, why aren’t they recognized as such in many guidelines?
The reason artificially sweetened beverages have been associated with depression may be because of psychological disturbances recently tied to aspartame (“Equal” or “NutraSweet”).
Using the tobacco industry playbook, food companies have been caught trying to undermine public health policies by manipulating the scientific process.
The FDA’s suggestion that the meat industry voluntarily stop feeding antibiotics by the ton to farm animals to fatten them faster falls short of the changes needed to forestall the epidemic of antibiotic resistance.
Carcinogens in grilled and baked chicken may increase the risk of pancreatic cancer, while curcumin, the yellow pigment in the spice turmeric, may sometimes help even in advanced stages of the disease.