Microbiome Manipulation with Oligomannate for Treating Dementia
A prebiotic derived from a type of brown seaweed is used for mild to moderate Alzheimer’s dementia in China. Does it work?
A prebiotic derived from a type of brown seaweed is used for mild to moderate Alzheimer’s dementia in China. Does it work?
Our body can make vitamin K2 from the K1 in green leafy vegetables.
What food can eradicate H. pylori in the majority of patients?
What explains the Achilles’ heel in certain Asian diets?
What are the risks versus benefits of drinking kombucha?
How can we explain the drop in stroke risk as the Japanese diet became Westernized by eating more meat and dairy?
Dairy is compared to other foods for cardiovascular (heart attack and stroke) risk.
Dinosaur kale and red cabbage are put to the test.
In certain medical conditions, probiotic supplements may actually make things worse.
What does the world’s leading authority on carcinogens have to say about mobile phones?
Which appear more protective: fermented soy foods, such as miso and tempeh, or unfermented soy, like tofu and soy milk?
The galactose in milk may explain why milk consumption is associated with significantly higher risk of hip fractures, cancer, and premature death.
Plant-based diets appear to protect against renal cell carcinoma both directly and indirectly.
A study involving more than a million kids suggests the striking worldwide variation in childhood rates of allergies, asthma, and eczema is related to diet.
The high bacteria load in raw or cooked animal foods and fermented foods may trigger an endotoxemic surge of inflammation, which may be exacerbated by the presence of saturated animal fat.
The endotoxemia (bacterial toxins in the bloodstream) that follows a meal of animal products and results in inflammation and stiffened arteries may come from the food itself, rather than from one’s own gut bacteria.
Cheese manufacturers use spider-like insects and fly larvae to impart particular flavors and aromas to certain cheeses.
Frying bacon outdoors decreases the concentration of airborne nitrosamine carcinogens.
Biogenic amines such as spermine, cadaverine, and putrescine are chemical compounds of decay that may have adverse health effects. Which foods are most contaminated: beer, blue cheese, feta cheese, kimchi, miso, sardines, sauerkraut, sausage, soy sauce, tempeh, tuna, or wine?