How to Prevent Toxoplasmosis
The risk of contracting the brain parasite toxoplasma from kitty litter vs. meat.
The risk of contracting the brain parasite toxoplasma from kitty litter vs. meat.
How do we explain the increased risk of prostate cancer but the decreased risk of colon cancer associated with dairy consumption?
Boiling, steaming, microwaving, air frying, and sous vide cooking are put to the test for nutrient retention.
The best and worst foods for bad breath and gum inflammation.
Avocados, greens, and lutein and zeaxanthin supplements are put to the test for improving cognitive function.
What is the best source of lutein, the primary carotenoid antioxidant in the brain?
Cocoa and nitrite-rich vegetables, such as green leafies and beets, are put to the test for cognitive function.
Randomized controlled studies put nuts, berries, and grape juice to the test for cognitive function.
The effects of Red Bull and Monster brand energy drinks on artery function and athletic performance.
What happens when you add massive amounts of carbs to the daily diet of type 2 diabetics in the form of whole grains?
What happens when you put diabetics on a diet composed of largely whole grains, vegetables, and beans?
There have been at least eight randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials of ginger for pain.
Unbelievably, a randomized controlled trial of cabbage leaf wraps for arthritis was published.
What are the effects of spinach and berries on oxidative stress, inflammation, and muscle soreness in athletes?
Dinosaur kale and red cabbage are put to the test.
In my book How Not to Die, I center my recommendations around a Daily Dozen checklist of everything I try to fit into my daily routine.
In this video, I explain my traffic light system for ranking the relative healthfulness of Green Light vs. Yellow Light vs. Red Light foods.
Dr. Greger blends up a vegetable smoothie inspired by a recipe in his How Not to Die Cookbook.
The same diet that helps regulate hormones in women may also reduce exposure to endocrine-disrupting pollutants.
What happened when turmeric curcumin was put to the test to see if it could reverse DNA damage caused by arsenic exposure?
In my book How Not to Die, I center my recommendations around a Daily Dozen checklist of all the things I try to fit into my daily routine.
Do the medium-chain triglycerides in coconut oil and the fiber in flaked coconut counteract the negative effects on cholesterol and artery function?
Daily supplementation with 1,000 mg of vitamin C was put to the test to see if it could improve male fertility and lower lead levels.
Iron, zinc, oil, and even doughnuts are put to the test to see if they can block lead absorption.
The potassium content in greens is one of two ways they can improve artery function within minutes of consumption.
What happened to women who were randomized to eat more meat and dairy during pregnancy? What effect does animal protein consumption have on cortisol and testosterone levels in men?
The aspirin compounds naturally found in plant foods may help explain the lower cancer rates among those eating plant-based diets.
How might we prevent and reverse hypertension, the number-one risk factor for death in the world?
If one is going to make an evolutionary argument for what a “natural” vitamin D level may be, how about getting vitamin D in the way nature intended—that is, from the sun instead of supplements?
The reason greens are associated with a significantly longer lifespan may be because, like caloric restriction, they improve our energy efficiency.
Dietary diversity is important because each plant family has a unique combination of phytonutrients that may bind to specific proteins within our body.
Chlorophyll in our bloodstream after eating greens may react with wavelengths of sunlight that penetrate through our skin to reactivate the antioxidant Coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinol).
Type 2 diabetes can be reversed with severe calorie restriction—whether by surgery or starvation—but did you know it can also be reversed simply by eating healthier?
What are the pros and cons of fennel fruits as a cheap, easy-to-find, light-weight, nonperishable source of nitrates?
Ancient dietary practices based on analyzing the fiber content of fossilized human waste can give us insights for combating the modern obesity epidemic.
Vegetables tested head-to-head to see which boosts immune function best.
What can we eat to combat “inflamm-aging,” the chronic low-grade inflammation that accompanies the aging process?
Is triclosan in Colgate Total toothpaste safe in regards to the nitrate-reducing bacteria on our tongue and potential endocrine-disrupting effects on thyroid function and obesity?
The whole food is greater than the sum of its parts: how unscrupulous marketers use evidence that ties high blood levels of phytonutrients with superior health to sell dietary supplements that may do more harm than good.
What is the optimal timing and dose of nitrate-containing vegetables, such as beets and spinach, for improving athletic performance?