Comparing up to six cups of caffeinated black tea a day to water, researchers study the assertion that tea acts as a diuretic, and is not as hydrating as plain water.
Is Caffeinated Tea Dehydrating?
Doctor's Note
This is the second video of my four-part video series about the latest discoveries on tea. See Antimutagenic Activity of Green Versus White Tea also. For more on caffeine myths, see What About the Caffeine? For the antioxidant comparison of black tea to other teas, see Better Than Green Tea? The “less healthy beverages” line is likely an allusion to soda, about which I have a dozen videos, including Food Industry “Funding Effect”; Mercury in Corn Syrup? and Is Sodium Benzoate Harmful?
For more context, check out my associated blog posts: Is Caffeinated Tea Really Dehydrating? and Schoolchildren Should Drink More Water.
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