Recipe: Morning Grain Bowls

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Here’s a delicious way to start the day! Morning Grain Bowls from the How Not to Die Cookbook.


Doctor's Note

Soon after the How Not to Die Cookbook came out, fans Wendy and Eric offered to make some how-to videos of the recipes. If people like these, we will share more over the next few months as we get ready to roll out more free recipes on the website. For years I’ve given you the science behind healthy eating and now I want to help you do it, too.

This morning grain bowl is a great alternative to sugary cereals, which I have videos coming out on soon, and can really be made with any whole grain you have on hand – quinoa, oats, millet, barley, the list goes on. Here is the full written recipe: Morning Grain Bowls

Why is it such a great idea to start your day off with this? If you eat enough you may be able to check off whole grains, beans, berries, other fruit, flaxseed, and turmeric in one meal! You’re well on your way to completing the Daily Dozen Challenge all before noon!

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