The Healthiest Herbal Tea

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More than a dozen herbal teas were compared for their antioxidant activity.


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Walking through the herbal tea aisle can be daunting. Thankfully, last year, this study was published, comparing the antioxidant activity of more than a dozen different types of herbal tea.

They’re all good for you, so the healthiest one is probably the one you’ll drink the most of. But if you don’t have a favorite, which is healthiest? Bergamot tea, chamomile, dandelion, fennel, jasmine, hawthorn, lavender, lemongrass, lemon verbena, peppermint, rooibos—also known as red tea—rosemary tea, thyme tea, or rosehip tea?

For years, I’ve been looking for good herbal tea data—and here it was, all in one place, thanks to a group of intrepid Korean investigators.

For the first elimination round, let’s pick the top ten. There are 14 listed here. The first three to drop out of the running? Bergamot, fennel, and thyme. Then, even peppermint doesn’t make the top ten cut. Here are the top five: chamomile, dandelion, lemongrass, rooibos, and rosehip.

And the #1 most antioxidant-packed herbal tea? Dandelion. Who would have guessed?

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Below is an approximation of this video’s audio content. To see any graphs, charts, graphics, images, and quotes to which Dr. Greger may be referring, watch the above video.

Walking through the herbal tea aisle can be daunting. Thankfully, last year, this study was published, comparing the antioxidant activity of more than a dozen different types of herbal tea.

They’re all good for you, so the healthiest one is probably the one you’ll drink the most of. But if you don’t have a favorite, which is healthiest? Bergamot tea, chamomile, dandelion, fennel, jasmine, hawthorn, lavender, lemongrass, lemon verbena, peppermint, rooibos—also known as red tea—rosemary tea, thyme tea, or rosehip tea?

For years, I’ve been looking for good herbal tea data—and here it was, all in one place, thanks to a group of intrepid Korean investigators.

For the first elimination round, let’s pick the top ten. There are 14 listed here. The first three to drop out of the running? Bergamot, fennel, and thyme. Then, even peppermint doesn’t make the top ten cut. Here are the top five: chamomile, dandelion, lemongrass, rooibos, and rosehip.

And the #1 most antioxidant-packed herbal tea? Dandelion. Who would have guessed?

Please consider volunteering to help out on the site.

Doctor's Note

To learn more about herbal teas, check out these videos:
Herbal Tea Update: Rooibos & Nettle
Is There Too Much Aluminum in Tea?
How Much Hibiscus Tea is Too Much?
Chamomile Tea May Not Be Safe During Pregnancy
Enhancing Athletic Performance With Peppermint

And check out my other videos on tea

For additional context, also see my blog posts: Hibiscus tea: flower power, and Hibiscus Tea: The Best Beverage?

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