![How Not To Die from – Kidney Disease](https://nutritionfacts.org/app/uploads/2016/10/How-Not-To-Die-from-–-Kidney-Disease-120x90.png)
How Not to Die from Kidney Disease
What are the three significant dietary risk factors for declining kidney function?
What are the three significant dietary risk factors for declining kidney function?
As many as 37 percent of human breast cancer cases may be attributable to exposure to bovine leukemia virus.
Type 2 diabetes can be prevented, arrested, and even reversed with a healthy enough diet.
The majority of U.S. dairy herds are infected with a cancer-causing virus, but until recently, human testing for exposure was not sufficiently sensitive.
What happens when we put cancer on a plant-based diet?
Fiber isn’t the only thing our good gut bacteria can eat. Starch can also act as a prebiotic.
What is the optimal source and amount of protein for senior citizens?
Only about 1 in 10,000 people live to be 100 years old. What’s their secret?
Pomegranate juice for prostate cancer was finally put to the test in a randomized, controlled, clinical trial.
Single meals can affect testosterone and cortisol (stress hormone) levels. Some foods eaten regularly during pregnancy may even reprogram children’s responses to stress later in life.
What can our nutrient requirements, metabolism, and physiology tell us about what we should be eating?
Despite less education on average, a higher poverty rate, and more limited access to health care, U.S. Hispanics tend to live the longest. Why?
Anabolic growth-promoting drugs in meat production are by far the most potent hormones found in the food supply.
Avoid sugary and cholesterol-laden foods to reduce the risk of our most common cause of chronic liver disease.
Organic chicken broth is popular with paleo diet advocates, but do tests indicate the presence of the toxic heavy metal lead?
Plant-based diets have been shown to slow or stop the progression of kidney failure, but what about all the phosphorus and potassium in plant foods?
Dietary guidelines often patronizingly recommend what is considered acceptable or achievable, rather than what the best available balance of evidence suggests is best.
Even when study subjects were required to eat so much that they didn’t lose any weight, a plant-based diet could still reverse type 2 diabetes in a matter of weeks.
Type 2 diabetes can be reversed with severe calorie restriction—whether by surgery or starvation—but did you know it can also be reversed simply by eating healthier?
If the uric acid crystals that trigger gout come from the breakdown of purines, should gout patients avoid even healthy, purine-rich foods, such as beans, mushrooms, and cauliflower?
What can we eat to combat “inflamm-aging,” the chronic low-grade inflammation that accompanies the aging process?
Dietary Acid Load is determined by the balance of acid-inducing food, such as meats, eggs, and cheeses, offset by base-inducing (“alkaline”) foods, such as fruits and vegetables.
The tobacco industry has focused more recently on divide-and-conquer strategies to create schisms within the tobacco control movement. We in the healthy food community can learn from this by staying united and not allowing minor disagreements to distract us from the bigger picture.
Why do heart attack rates appear lower than expected in France, given their saturated fat and cholesterol intake? Is it their red wine consumption, their vegetable consumption, or something else?
The extraordinarily low rates of chronic disease among plant-based populations have been attributed to fiber, but reductionist thinking may lead us astray.
What happens to our gut flora microbiome when we’re on plant-based versus animal-based diets?
When placed head-to-head against the American Diabetes Association diet, how do plant-based diets fare in terms of not only blood sugar, body weight, and cholesterol control, but also mood and quality of life?
If depression can be induced with pro-inflammatory drugs, might an anti-inflammatory diet be effective in preventing and treating mood disorders?
Anti-inflammatory drugs abolish the hyperfiltration and protein leakage response to meat ingestion, suggesting that animal protein causes kidney stress through an inflammatory mechanism.
Based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which foods best supply shortfall nutrients while avoiding disease-promoting components?
What happens inside the arteries going to the hearts and brains of those who add nuts or extra virgin olive oil to their diet?
Why is there a reticence to provide the public with guidelines that will spare them from preventable disease and premature death?
If the avoidance of sulfur-rich proteins and food additives can help prevent inflammatory bowel disease, might similar dietary changes help prevent relapses of ulcerative colitis?
What would happen if you centered your diet around vegetables, the most nutrient-dense food group?
The most comprehensive controlled trial of diet and mood finds that a plant-based nutrition program in a workplace setting across ten corporate sites significantly improves depression, anxiety, and productivity.
While epidemics of chronic disease are currently by far our leading causes of death, global warming is considered a looming public health threat. How can we eat to combat dietary diseases and greenhouse gas emissions at the same time?
The consumption of animal fat appears to increase the growth of gut bacteria that turn our bile acids into carcinogens.
Protective properties of whole plant foods against diabetes include antioxidants, lipotropes, fiber, and the ability to suppress the estrogen-producing bacteria in our gut.
Potential culprits include the trans fat in meat, the saturated fat, cholesterol, heme iron, advanced glycation end products (glycotoxins), animal protein (especially leucine), zoonotic viruses, and industrial pollutants that accumulate up the food chain.
Dr. Greger has scoured the world’s scholarly literature on clinical nutrition and developed this new presentation based on the latest in cutting edge research exploring the role diet may play in preventing, arresting, and even reversing some of our most feared causes of death and disability.