Topic summary contributed by volunteer(s): Emily

Resistant Starch in Pasta

Resistant starch is found in many common foods including grains, vegetables, beans, seeds, and some nuts.  It helps to feed the good bacteria in the gut, (similar to fiber) keeping the microbiome healthy. When whole grain pasta or rice is cooked and cooled before consumption, its resistant starch goes up. Eating a variety of resistant starch and fiber is the best way to reduce cancer risk.

Animal products, specifically meat, can end up putrefying in our colon.  The by-products such as hydrogen sulfide, can be toxic. This may play a role in the development of inflammatory bowel diseases like ulcerative colitis. Carbohydrate fermentation, on the other hand, results in beneficial short-chain fatty acids like butyrate.  Consuming more foods that contain resistant starch (cooked beans, lentils and cold whole grain pasta), may block some of these harmful byproducts.

Benefits of Gluten

There are three gluten-related conditions: celiac disease, wheat allergy and gluten sensitivity. It is important to get a diagnosis from a doctor rather than self-diagnosing. Whole grains, specifically gluten containing grains such as wheat, barley, and rye have many benefits. They contain dietary fiber and starch, and are linked to a reduced risk of coronary heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity and other related diseases. Gluten-free diets may adversely affect gut health as well hurting the gut flora and immune function.

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