Topic summary contributed by volunteer(s): Jerry

A healthy stomach lining is critical to gastrointestinal health. The use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDS, may have gastrointestinal side-effects, including upset stomach, ulcers, intestinal bleeding, and perforation. Sweet red Bing cherries may be an alternative to reducing inflammation without the damage to our stomach and gut lining caused by NSAID drugs. Bergamot oil, found in Earl Grey tea, may also aid in stomach lining protection. In vitro research suggests that phytonutrients found in cranberries may reduce adhesion of H. pylori bacteria, which can cause ulcers in the stomach wall.

Red pepper powder may provide relief, including the lessening of stomach pain. Indian gooseberries also seem to protect the stomach.  A study found cat or dog ownership may reduce the risk of gastroenteritis or “stomach flu” in children.

Processed meat consumption, total meat consumption, and carcinogens produced by cooking meat may be associated stomach cancer risk possibly because they cause chronic low-level inflammation. Radishes and spinach may help in slowing stomach cancer cell growth, and overall dietary antioxidant intake from different plant food sources appears to reduce the risk of stomach cancer

Digestion of meat and other high-fat, high-cholesterol food in the stomach can result in the oxidation of fat in our stomachs, which can be an early manifestation of atherosclerotic plaques; eating antioxidant-packed foods appears to counteract that oxidation and thus help reduce heart attack and stroke risk. 

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Stomach Health 33 videos

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