Duct Tape and Wart Removal
Duct tape beat out cryotherapy (freezing) for treating warts in a randomized controlled head-to-head trial.
Duct tape beat out cryotherapy (freezing) for treating warts in a randomized controlled head-to-head trial.
Does tea tree oil have enough antiviral activity to combat HSV-1 and papilloma viruses, the causes of cold sores and common warts respectively?
A 5% tea-tree oil gel is pitted head-to-head against the leading over-the-counter treatment for pimples.
Do the estrogenic effects of tea tree oil get absorbed through the skin?
What, if any, are the caveats for tea tree oil use and tips on safe storage?
Tea tree essential oil is pitted against the antifungal cream lotrimin for the treatment of fungal nail infection, but what about treating the underlying cause?
Are the effects of tea tree oil anti-fungal or merely anti-inflammatory?
What’s the best household cleaning product to use?