Health authorities appear to have taken the patronizing view that the public can’t handle the truth and would rather the science be watered down.
Everything in Moderation? Even Heart Disease?
Doctor's Note
It’s worth rewatching and pausing on the Framingham data, the graph with the bell curves. That’s a very important concept to understand. At first glance, it looks like those who get heart disease and those who don’t have very similar cholesterol levels, but that’s only at “normal” levels. To get an Optimal Cholesterol Level, one has to eat an exceedingly healthy diet. It’s worth it, though, since we’re not just talking life and death with heart disease, but life and the #1 cause of death.
For more on this concept of being at normal risk and dying from all the normal diseases, watch When Low Risk Means High Risk.
And I continue this streak of questioning the patronizing paternalism of authorities in the next video, Optimal Diet: Just Give It to Me Straight, Doc.
What’s so bad about having high cholesterol? It’s not just involved in the formation of atherosclerotic plaque. Cholesterol Crystals May Tear Through Our Artery Lining.
But wait a second. What about fluffy versus dense cholesterol? See Does Cholesterol Size Matter?
Can’t you just take cholesterol-lowering statin drugs? Check out The Actual Benefit of Diet vs. Drugs.
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