What is the role of dietary beta-carboline alkaloids in the development of the most common movement disorder?
What Is Essential Hand Tremor and How to Prevent and Treat It
Below is an approximation of this video’s audio content. To see any graphs, charts, graphics, images, and quotes to which Dr. Greger may be referring, watch the above video.
As documented in the book The Case of the Frozen Addicts, a bad batch of so-called synthetic heroin caused, within days, what appeared to be advanced-stage Parkinson’s disease. Thanks to a chemical contaminant known as MPTP, young men and women were left trapped inside their bodies, with near complete immobility, in some cases able to move only their eyes. The seminal paper describing the phenomenon ended with the silver lining that maybe this will help us find the culprit in Parkinson’s.
Attention turned to a class of chemicals called beta-carboline alkaloids, due to their structural similarity to MPTP. And, indeed, higher levels of these toxins were found in the brain fluid of Parkinson’s patients. In How Not to Die, I address Parkinson’s, since it’s one of our leading killers, but the most common movement disorder is what’s called “essential tremor” —affecting up to one in 25 adults older than 40, and up to one in five people in their 90s. In addition to the potentially debilitating hand tremor, there can be other neurological manifestations, including cognitive impairment, depression, and sleeping problems.
In medical lingo, “essential” can mean “of unknown cause,” like essential hypertension, the rise in blood pressure as we age. Just as there have been calls for decades to rename that phenomenon once it became clear that lifestyle behaviors played a critical role, there are those suggesting we rename essential tremor as we come to understand it better as well. Identical twin studies suggest it may only be 60 percent genetic. Though there have been studies linking the development of essential tremor to lead exposure, most attention has focused on beta-carboline alkaloids.
Beta-carboline alkaloids induce tremor in a wide variety of animals, from mice to monkeys, that’s similar to essential tremor in humans both clinically and in the type of brain damage they cause. As such, beta-carboline alkaloid administration produces the main animal model for essential tremor upon which to try out new drugs. Harmane is the most potent of these tremor-producing beta-carboline alkaloids. Expose people to high-dose harmane, and they develop tremors too; take it away, and the tremors disappear. What if we’re exposed to small doses over time?
All six studies found that those with essential tremor have significantly higher levels of this toxin in their bloodstream compared to those without tremor—five out of six significantly so. Furthermore, the higher the harmane levels, the worse the tremor. The highest levels are found in those who have both essential tremor and cancer, suggesting harmane may be playing a role in both diseases.
Elevated harmane levels have also been found directly in the brains of essential tremor patients on autopsy. Due to its high fat solubility, harmane accumulates in brain tissue. Using a fancy brain scan called “proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging,” higher harmane levels were found to be a significant predictor of signs of nerve degeneration in the cerebellum, the part of the brain that controls movement.
How do we get exposed to these chemicals? Small amounts of harmane are produced endogenously, but the main source is meat. Beta carboline alkaloids are a type of heterocyclic amine, the class of carcinogens that are formed in a high-temperature chemical reaction between some of the components of muscle tissue. Under the same cooking conditions, chicken may produce the most harmane (more than twice as much as beef steak, for example), but the highest single per-serving levels have been found in fried pork, flame-broiled steak, flame-broiled chicken, and grilled salmon.
Researchers gave people a slice of fried turkey and saw a bump in harmane blood levels within five minutes. Five minutes? It’s not even digested by then. The researchers suspect the rapid uptake is indicative of significant absorption directly through the mouth and straight into the bloodstream, bypassing the stomach and, most importantly, bypassing the detoxifying enzymes of the liver before it makes it up into our brain. So, if this “potent, tremor-producing neurotoxin” is concentrated in “cooked muscle foods,” is meat consumption associated with a higher risk of essential tremor? A study out of Columbia University found that men who ate the most meat (about 1.5 servings a day) had a whopping 21 times the odds of essential tremor compared to men who ate closer to a half-serving a day. To put that in context, if we go back to the original studies on smoking and lung cancer, we see that smoking was only linked to about 14 times the odds.
Arguing against meat’s role in essential tremor through harmane exposure is the fact that a similar relationship was not found in women, and there appeared to be no difference in tremor rates between those who preferred their meat rare versus well-cooked. A reverse causation explanation was also proposed: instead of greater meat consumption leading to essential tremor, perhaps the essential tremor led to greater meat consumption, as a solid stable food that may be more easily handled with a tremulous hand. Or perhaps the elevated harmane levels in tremor victims is due to a reduced capacity to detoxify it, or a combination of greater intake and lesser excretion.
For those reluctant to reduce their meat consumption, different marinades have been tested to reduce harmane production. Hibiscus extracts seemed to make things worse, and so did red wine, increasing formation up to 10-fold. However, a Caribbean marinade and a variety of berry extracts worked. For example, marinating camel meat in strawberry juice for 24 hours before frying can reduce the formation of harmane by as much as 40 percent.
Are there any dietary treatments once you already have the disease? Vanillin—the primary fragrance compound in vanilla extract—was found to be beneficial against beta-carboline-induced tremors in rats, but there have yet to be any clinical studies.
Please consider volunteering to help out on the site.
- Langston JW, Palfreman J. The case of the frozen addicts. Pantheon Books, New York. 1995.
- Kopin IJ. MPTP: an industrial chemical and contaminant of illicit narcotics stimulates a new era in research on Parkinson’s disease. Environ Health Perspect. 1987;75:45-51.
- Kuhn W, Müller T, Grosse H, Rommelspacher H. Elevated levels of harman and norharman in cerebrospinal fluid of parkinsonian patients. J Neural Transm (Vienna). 1996;103(12):1435-1440.
- Louis ED, Ferreira JJ. How common is the most common adult movement disorder? Update on the worldwide prevalence of essential tremor. Mov Disord. 2010;25(5):534-541.
- Louis ED. Essential tremor then and now: How views of the most common tremor diathesis have changed over time. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2018;46 Suppl 1(Suppl 1):S70-S74.
- Haubenberger D, Hallett M. Essential tremor. N Engl J Med. 2018;378(19):1802-1810.
- Beilin LJ. The fifth Sir George Pickering memorial lecture. Epitaph to essential hypertension--a preventable disorder of known aetiology? J Hypertens. 1988;6(2):85-94.
- Lenka A, Louis ED. Essential tremor: Is the word “essential” really essential? Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2020;81:103-105.
- Tanner CM, Goldman SM, Lyons KE, et al. Essential tremor in twins: an assessment of genetic vs environmental determinants of etiology. Neurology. 2001;57(8):1389-1391.
- Louis ED, Jurewicz EC, Applegate L, et al. Association between essential tremor and blood lead concentration. Environ Health Perspect. 2003;111(14):1707-1711.
- Hopfner F, Helmich RC. The etiology of essential tremor: Genes versus environment. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2018;46 Suppl 1:S92-S96.
- Pan MK, Ni CL, Wu YC, Li YS, Kuo SH. Animal models of tremor: relevance to human tremor disorders. Tremor Other Hyperkinet Mov (N Y). 2018;8:587.
- Louis ED, Zheng W. Beta-carboline alkaloids and essential tremor: exploring the environmental determinants of one of the most prevalent neurological diseases. ScientificWorldJournal. 2010;10:1783-1794.
- Ong YL, Deng X, Tan EK. Etiologic links between environmental and lifestyle factors and Essential tremor. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2019;6(5):979-989.
- Pennes HH, Hoch PH. Psychotomimetics, clinical and theoretical considerations: harmine, Win-2299 and nalline. Am J Psychiatry. 1957;113(10):887-892.
- Louis ED, Zheng W, Jurewicz EC, et al. Elevation of blood beta-carboline alkaloids in essential tremor. Neurology. 2002;59(12):1940-1944.
- Louis ED, Factor-Litvak P, Gerbin M, et al. Blood harmane, blood lead, and severity of hand tremor: evidence of additive effects. Neurotoxicology. 2011;32(2):227-232.
- Louis ED, Benito-León J, Moreno-García S, et al. Blood harmane (1-methyl-9H-pyrido[3,4-b]indole) concentration in essential tremor cases in Spain. Neurotoxicology. 2013;34:264-268.
- Louis ED, Jiang W, Pellegrino KM, et al. Elevated blood harmane (1-methyl-9H-pyrido[3,4-b]indole) concentrations in essential tremor. Neurotoxicology. 2008;29(2):294-300.
- Louis ED, Jiang W, Gerbin M, Viner AS, Factor-Litvak P, Zheng W. Blood harmane (1-methyl-9H-pyrido[3,4-b]indole) concentrations in essential tremor: repeat observation in cases and controls in New York. J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2012;75(12):673-683.
- Louis ED, Eliasen EH, Ferrer M, et al. Blood harmane (1-Methyl-9H-Pyrido[3,4-b]indole) and mercury in essential tremor: a population-based, environmental epidemiology study in the faroe islands. Neuroepidemiology. 2020;54(3):272-280.
- Louis ED, Pellegrino KM, Factor-Litvak P, et al. Cancer and blood concentrations of the comutagen harmane in essential tremor. Mov Disord. 2008;23(12):1747-1751.
- Louis ED, Factor-Litvak P, Liu X, et al. Elevated brain harmane (1-methyl-9H-pyrido[3,4-b]indole) in essential tremor cases vs. controls. Neurotoxicology. 2013;38:131-135.
- Louis ED, Zheng W, Mao X, Shungu DC. Blood harmane is correlated with cerebellar metabolism in essential tremor: a pilot study. Neurology. 2007;69(6):515-520.
- Laviță SI, Aro R, Kiss B, Manto M, Duez P. The role of β-carboline alkaloids in the pathogenesis of essential tremor. Cerebellum. 2016;15(3):276-284.
- Louis ED, Zheng W, Jiang W, Bogen KT, Keating GA. Quantification of the neurotoxic beta-carboline harmane in barbecued/grilled meat samples and correlation with level of doneness. J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2007;70(12):1014-1019.
- Pfau W, Skog K. Exposure to beta-carbolines norharman and harman. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 2004;802(1):115-126.
- Louis ED, Jiang W, Gerbin M, Viner AS, Factor-Litvak P, Zheng W. Blood harmane (1-methyl-9H-pyrido[3,4-b]indole) concentrations in essential tremor: repeat observation in cases and controls in New York. J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2012;75(12):673-683.
- Louis ED, Keating GA, Bogen KT, Rios E, Pellegrino KM, Factor-Litvak P. Dietary epidemiology of essential tremor: meat consumption and meat cooking practices. Neuroepidemiology. 2008;30(3):161-166.
- Doll R, Hill AB. Smoking and carcinoma of the lung; preliminary report. Br Med J. 1950;2(4682):739-748.
- Thun MJ. When truth is unwelcome: the first reports on smoking and lung cancer. Bull World Health Organ. 2005;83(2):144-145.
- Laviță SI, Aro R, Kiss B, Manto M, Duez P. The role of β-carboline alkaloids in the pathogenesis of essential tremor. Cerebellum. 2016;15(3):276-284.
- Gibis M, Weiss J. Inhibitory effect of marinades with hibiscus extract on formation of heterocyclic aromatic amines and sensory quality of fried beef patties. Meat Sci. 2010;85(4):735-742.
- Busquets R, Puignou L, Galceran MT, Skog K. Effect of red wine marinades on the formation of heterocyclic amines in fried chicken breast. J Agric Food Chem. 2006;54(21):8376-8384.
- Smith JS, Ameri F, Gadgil P. Effect of marinades on the formation of heterocyclic amines in grilled beef steaks. J Food Sci. 2008;73(6):T100-T105.
- Khan MR, Busquets R, Azam M. Blueberry, raspberry, and strawberry extracts reduce the formation of carcinogenic heterocyclic amines in fried camel, beef and chicken meats. Food Control. 2021;123:107852.
- Abdulrahman AA, Faisal K, Meshref AAA, Arshaduddin M. Low-dose acute vanillin is beneficial against harmaline-induced tremors in rats. Neurol Res. 2017;39(3):264-270.
Motion graphics by Avo Media
Below is an approximation of this video’s audio content. To see any graphs, charts, graphics, images, and quotes to which Dr. Greger may be referring, watch the above video.
As documented in the book The Case of the Frozen Addicts, a bad batch of so-called synthetic heroin caused, within days, what appeared to be advanced-stage Parkinson’s disease. Thanks to a chemical contaminant known as MPTP, young men and women were left trapped inside their bodies, with near complete immobility, in some cases able to move only their eyes. The seminal paper describing the phenomenon ended with the silver lining that maybe this will help us find the culprit in Parkinson’s.
Attention turned to a class of chemicals called beta-carboline alkaloids, due to their structural similarity to MPTP. And, indeed, higher levels of these toxins were found in the brain fluid of Parkinson’s patients. In How Not to Die, I address Parkinson’s, since it’s one of our leading killers, but the most common movement disorder is what’s called “essential tremor” —affecting up to one in 25 adults older than 40, and up to one in five people in their 90s. In addition to the potentially debilitating hand tremor, there can be other neurological manifestations, including cognitive impairment, depression, and sleeping problems.
In medical lingo, “essential” can mean “of unknown cause,” like essential hypertension, the rise in blood pressure as we age. Just as there have been calls for decades to rename that phenomenon once it became clear that lifestyle behaviors played a critical role, there are those suggesting we rename essential tremor as we come to understand it better as well. Identical twin studies suggest it may only be 60 percent genetic. Though there have been studies linking the development of essential tremor to lead exposure, most attention has focused on beta-carboline alkaloids.
Beta-carboline alkaloids induce tremor in a wide variety of animals, from mice to monkeys, that’s similar to essential tremor in humans both clinically and in the type of brain damage they cause. As such, beta-carboline alkaloid administration produces the main animal model for essential tremor upon which to try out new drugs. Harmane is the most potent of these tremor-producing beta-carboline alkaloids. Expose people to high-dose harmane, and they develop tremors too; take it away, and the tremors disappear. What if we’re exposed to small doses over time?
All six studies found that those with essential tremor have significantly higher levels of this toxin in their bloodstream compared to those without tremor—five out of six significantly so. Furthermore, the higher the harmane levels, the worse the tremor. The highest levels are found in those who have both essential tremor and cancer, suggesting harmane may be playing a role in both diseases.
Elevated harmane levels have also been found directly in the brains of essential tremor patients on autopsy. Due to its high fat solubility, harmane accumulates in brain tissue. Using a fancy brain scan called “proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging,” higher harmane levels were found to be a significant predictor of signs of nerve degeneration in the cerebellum, the part of the brain that controls movement.
How do we get exposed to these chemicals? Small amounts of harmane are produced endogenously, but the main source is meat. Beta carboline alkaloids are a type of heterocyclic amine, the class of carcinogens that are formed in a high-temperature chemical reaction between some of the components of muscle tissue. Under the same cooking conditions, chicken may produce the most harmane (more than twice as much as beef steak, for example), but the highest single per-serving levels have been found in fried pork, flame-broiled steak, flame-broiled chicken, and grilled salmon.
Researchers gave people a slice of fried turkey and saw a bump in harmane blood levels within five minutes. Five minutes? It’s not even digested by then. The researchers suspect the rapid uptake is indicative of significant absorption directly through the mouth and straight into the bloodstream, bypassing the stomach and, most importantly, bypassing the detoxifying enzymes of the liver before it makes it up into our brain. So, if this “potent, tremor-producing neurotoxin” is concentrated in “cooked muscle foods,” is meat consumption associated with a higher risk of essential tremor? A study out of Columbia University found that men who ate the most meat (about 1.5 servings a day) had a whopping 21 times the odds of essential tremor compared to men who ate closer to a half-serving a day. To put that in context, if we go back to the original studies on smoking and lung cancer, we see that smoking was only linked to about 14 times the odds.
Arguing against meat’s role in essential tremor through harmane exposure is the fact that a similar relationship was not found in women, and there appeared to be no difference in tremor rates between those who preferred their meat rare versus well-cooked. A reverse causation explanation was also proposed: instead of greater meat consumption leading to essential tremor, perhaps the essential tremor led to greater meat consumption, as a solid stable food that may be more easily handled with a tremulous hand. Or perhaps the elevated harmane levels in tremor victims is due to a reduced capacity to detoxify it, or a combination of greater intake and lesser excretion.
For those reluctant to reduce their meat consumption, different marinades have been tested to reduce harmane production. Hibiscus extracts seemed to make things worse, and so did red wine, increasing formation up to 10-fold. However, a Caribbean marinade and a variety of berry extracts worked. For example, marinating camel meat in strawberry juice for 24 hours before frying can reduce the formation of harmane by as much as 40 percent.
Are there any dietary treatments once you already have the disease? Vanillin—the primary fragrance compound in vanilla extract—was found to be beneficial against beta-carboline-induced tremors in rats, but there have yet to be any clinical studies.
Please consider volunteering to help out on the site.
- Langston JW, Palfreman J. The case of the frozen addicts. Pantheon Books, New York. 1995.
- Kopin IJ. MPTP: an industrial chemical and contaminant of illicit narcotics stimulates a new era in research on Parkinson’s disease. Environ Health Perspect. 1987;75:45-51.
- Kuhn W, Müller T, Grosse H, Rommelspacher H. Elevated levels of harman and norharman in cerebrospinal fluid of parkinsonian patients. J Neural Transm (Vienna). 1996;103(12):1435-1440.
- Louis ED, Ferreira JJ. How common is the most common adult movement disorder? Update on the worldwide prevalence of essential tremor. Mov Disord. 2010;25(5):534-541.
- Louis ED. Essential tremor then and now: How views of the most common tremor diathesis have changed over time. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2018;46 Suppl 1(Suppl 1):S70-S74.
- Haubenberger D, Hallett M. Essential tremor. N Engl J Med. 2018;378(19):1802-1810.
- Beilin LJ. The fifth Sir George Pickering memorial lecture. Epitaph to essential hypertension--a preventable disorder of known aetiology? J Hypertens. 1988;6(2):85-94.
- Lenka A, Louis ED. Essential tremor: Is the word “essential” really essential? Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2020;81:103-105.
- Tanner CM, Goldman SM, Lyons KE, et al. Essential tremor in twins: an assessment of genetic vs environmental determinants of etiology. Neurology. 2001;57(8):1389-1391.
- Louis ED, Jurewicz EC, Applegate L, et al. Association between essential tremor and blood lead concentration. Environ Health Perspect. 2003;111(14):1707-1711.
- Hopfner F, Helmich RC. The etiology of essential tremor: Genes versus environment. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2018;46 Suppl 1:S92-S96.
- Pan MK, Ni CL, Wu YC, Li YS, Kuo SH. Animal models of tremor: relevance to human tremor disorders. Tremor Other Hyperkinet Mov (N Y). 2018;8:587.
- Louis ED, Zheng W. Beta-carboline alkaloids and essential tremor: exploring the environmental determinants of one of the most prevalent neurological diseases. ScientificWorldJournal. 2010;10:1783-1794.
- Ong YL, Deng X, Tan EK. Etiologic links between environmental and lifestyle factors and Essential tremor. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2019;6(5):979-989.
- Pennes HH, Hoch PH. Psychotomimetics, clinical and theoretical considerations: harmine, Win-2299 and nalline. Am J Psychiatry. 1957;113(10):887-892.
- Louis ED, Zheng W, Jurewicz EC, et al. Elevation of blood beta-carboline alkaloids in essential tremor. Neurology. 2002;59(12):1940-1944.
- Louis ED, Factor-Litvak P, Gerbin M, et al. Blood harmane, blood lead, and severity of hand tremor: evidence of additive effects. Neurotoxicology. 2011;32(2):227-232.
- Louis ED, Benito-León J, Moreno-García S, et al. Blood harmane (1-methyl-9H-pyrido[3,4-b]indole) concentration in essential tremor cases in Spain. Neurotoxicology. 2013;34:264-268.
- Louis ED, Jiang W, Pellegrino KM, et al. Elevated blood harmane (1-methyl-9H-pyrido[3,4-b]indole) concentrations in essential tremor. Neurotoxicology. 2008;29(2):294-300.
- Louis ED, Jiang W, Gerbin M, Viner AS, Factor-Litvak P, Zheng W. Blood harmane (1-methyl-9H-pyrido[3,4-b]indole) concentrations in essential tremor: repeat observation in cases and controls in New York. J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2012;75(12):673-683.
- Louis ED, Eliasen EH, Ferrer M, et al. Blood harmane (1-Methyl-9H-Pyrido[3,4-b]indole) and mercury in essential tremor: a population-based, environmental epidemiology study in the faroe islands. Neuroepidemiology. 2020;54(3):272-280.
- Louis ED, Pellegrino KM, Factor-Litvak P, et al. Cancer and blood concentrations of the comutagen harmane in essential tremor. Mov Disord. 2008;23(12):1747-1751.
- Louis ED, Factor-Litvak P, Liu X, et al. Elevated brain harmane (1-methyl-9H-pyrido[3,4-b]indole) in essential tremor cases vs. controls. Neurotoxicology. 2013;38:131-135.
- Louis ED, Zheng W, Mao X, Shungu DC. Blood harmane is correlated with cerebellar metabolism in essential tremor: a pilot study. Neurology. 2007;69(6):515-520.
- Laviță SI, Aro R, Kiss B, Manto M, Duez P. The role of β-carboline alkaloids in the pathogenesis of essential tremor. Cerebellum. 2016;15(3):276-284.
- Louis ED, Zheng W, Jiang W, Bogen KT, Keating GA. Quantification of the neurotoxic beta-carboline harmane in barbecued/grilled meat samples and correlation with level of doneness. J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2007;70(12):1014-1019.
- Pfau W, Skog K. Exposure to beta-carbolines norharman and harman. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 2004;802(1):115-126.
- Louis ED, Jiang W, Gerbin M, Viner AS, Factor-Litvak P, Zheng W. Blood harmane (1-methyl-9H-pyrido[3,4-b]indole) concentrations in essential tremor: repeat observation in cases and controls in New York. J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2012;75(12):673-683.
- Louis ED, Keating GA, Bogen KT, Rios E, Pellegrino KM, Factor-Litvak P. Dietary epidemiology of essential tremor: meat consumption and meat cooking practices. Neuroepidemiology. 2008;30(3):161-166.
- Doll R, Hill AB. Smoking and carcinoma of the lung; preliminary report. Br Med J. 1950;2(4682):739-748.
- Thun MJ. When truth is unwelcome: the first reports on smoking and lung cancer. Bull World Health Organ. 2005;83(2):144-145.
- Laviță SI, Aro R, Kiss B, Manto M, Duez P. The role of β-carboline alkaloids in the pathogenesis of essential tremor. Cerebellum. 2016;15(3):276-284.
- Gibis M, Weiss J. Inhibitory effect of marinades with hibiscus extract on formation of heterocyclic aromatic amines and sensory quality of fried beef patties. Meat Sci. 2010;85(4):735-742.
- Busquets R, Puignou L, Galceran MT, Skog K. Effect of red wine marinades on the formation of heterocyclic amines in fried chicken breast. J Agric Food Chem. 2006;54(21):8376-8384.
- Smith JS, Ameri F, Gadgil P. Effect of marinades on the formation of heterocyclic amines in grilled beef steaks. J Food Sci. 2008;73(6):T100-T105.
- Khan MR, Busquets R, Azam M. Blueberry, raspberry, and strawberry extracts reduce the formation of carcinogenic heterocyclic amines in fried camel, beef and chicken meats. Food Control. 2021;123:107852.
- Abdulrahman AA, Faisal K, Meshref AAA, Arshaduddin M. Low-dose acute vanillin is beneficial against harmaline-induced tremors in rats. Neurol Res. 2017;39(3):264-270.
Motion graphics by Avo Media
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What Is Essential Hand Tremor and How to Prevent and Treat It
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