Phytic acid (phytate), concentrated in food such as beans, whole grains, and nuts, may help explain lower cancer rates among plant-based populations.
Phytates for the Prevention of Cancer
Below is an approximation of this video’s audio content. To see any graphs, charts, graphics, images, and quotes to which Dr. Greger may be referring, watch the above video.
“Cancer prevention strongly acknowledges the importance of diet, as dietary factors are the most important environmental risk factors for cancer. Within recent years, a large number of naturally occurring health-enhancing substances of plant origin have been recognized” to have beneficial effects on cancers, known as phytochemicals. Yes, beans, chickpeas, split peas, and lentils are packed with all sorts of nutrients we need.
But, the reason they may protect against several degenerative diseases may be due to non-nutritive compounds in plants, or even so-called “antinutrient” compounds, like phytates. “The reputation of [phytate] has had a roller coaster ride ever since its discovery; it has undergone alternate eminence and infamy.” What everyone can agree on though is that phytates, also known as phytic acid, “is one of the most fascinating bioactive food compounds and is widely distributed in plant foods.”
In the U.S., colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death. But, in some parts of the world, they’ve had just a tiny fraction of our rates, with the highest rates reported in Connecticut, and the lowest in Kampala, Uganda. The famous surgeon Dr. “Burkitt spent 24 years in Uganda,” and most of the hospitals in Uganda he contacted “had never [even] seen a case of colon cancer.” Noting they live off diets centered on whole plant foods, he figured that maybe it was the fiber that was so protective.
Studies like this, though, called that interpretation into question. Danes appear to have more colon cancer than Finns, yet “Danes consume almost twice the dietary fiber.” What else, then, could explain the low cancer rates among plant-based populations? Well, fiber isn’t the only thing only found in whole plant foods, missing from processed and animal foods. Maybe it’s the phytate.
“[D]ietary phytate, rather than fiber per se, might be the most important variable governing the frequency of colon[ic] cancer,” as we know phytate is “a powerful inhibitor of [the] iron-mediated production of hydroxyl radical[s], a particularly dangerous” type of free radical. So, the Standard American Diet may be a double whammy—the heme iron in muscle meat, plus the lack of phytate in refined plant foods to extinguish those iron radicals.
This may account for what was found in the Adventist study. They found excess risk of cancer for higher intakes of “both red meat and white meat,” suggesting “all meats contribute to…colon [cancer formation].” About twice the risk for red meat eaters, and three times the risk for those eating chicken and fish. But, those eating meat could reduce their risk in two ways—by cutting down on meat, or by eating more beans, an excellent source of phytates.
So, it’s not just how much meat we eat, but our meat-to-vegetable ratio. “Between the two extremes (high-vegetable, low-meat diet[s] versus high-meat, low-vegetable diet[s]), a risk ratio of about 8 appears to exist, sufficient…to explain a substantial part of [that] international variation in the incidence of colorectal cancer.” Those with the worst of both worlds—high meat and low vegetable—were at eight times the risk.
Please consider volunteering to help out on the site.
- R. Greiner, U. Konietzny, K. D. Jany. Phytate - an undesirable constituent of plant-based foods? Journal fur Ernahrungsmedizin 2006 8(3):18 - 28.
- I. Vucenik, A. M. Shamsuddin. Protection against cancer by dietary IP6 and inositol. Nutr Cancer 2006 55(2):109 - 125.
- R. P. Singh, R. Agarwal. Prostate cancer and inositol hexaphosphate: Efficacy and mechanisms. Anticancer Res. 2005 25(4):2891 - 2903.
- G. L. Deliliers, F. Servida, N. S. Fracchiolla, C. Ricci, C. Borsotti, G. Colombo, D. Soligo. Effect of inositol hexaphosphate (IP6) on human normal and leukaemic haematopoietic cells. British journal of haematology 2002 117(3):577 - 587.
- E. Graf, J. W. Eaton. Dietary suppression of colonic cancer fiber or phytate? Cancer 1985 56(4):717 - 718.
- O. Manousos, N. E. Day, D. Trichopoulos, F. Gerovassilis, A. Tzonou, A. Polychronopoulou. Diet and colorectal cancer: A case-control study in Greece. International Journal of Cancer 1983 32(1):1 - 5.
- I. Vucenik, A. Passaniti, M. I. Vitolo, K. Tantivejkul, P. Eggleton, A. M. Shamsuddin. Anti-angiogenic activity of inositol hexaphosphate (IP6). Carcinogenesis 2004 25(11):2115 - 2123.
- A. K. M. Shamsuddin, I. Vucenik. IP6 & inositol in cancer prevention and therapy. Current Cancer Therapy Reviews 2005 1(3):259 - 269.
- M. Kapral, J. Wawszczyk, M. Jurzak, A. Hollek, L. Węglarz. The effect of inositol hexaphosphate on the expression of selected metalloproteinases and their tissue inhibitors in IL-1B-stimulated colon cancer cells. Int J Colorectal Dis 2012 27(11):1419 - 1428.
- E. Lanza, T. J. Hartman, P. S. Albert, R. Shields, M. Slattery, B. Caan, E. Paskett, F. Iber, J. W. Kikendall, P. Lance, others. High dry bean intake and reduced risk of advanced colorectal adenoma recurrence among participants in the polyp prevention trial. The J. Nutr. 2006 136(7):1896 - 1903.
- A. M. Shamsuddin. Anti-cancer function of phytic acid. Int J Food Sci Tech 2002 37(7):769 - 782.
- E. Lipski. Traditional non-Western diets. Nutr Clin Pract 2010 25(6):585 - 593.
- G. Urbano, M. Lopez-Jurado, P. Aranda, C. Vidal-Valverde, E. Tenorio, J. Porres. The role of phytic acid in legumes: Antinutrient or beneficial function? J Physiol Biochem 2000 56(3):283 - 294.
- S. D. Siah, I. Konczak, S. Agboola, J. A. Wood, C. L. Blanchard. In vitro investigations of the potential health benefits of Australian-grown faba beans (Vicia faba L.): Chemopreventative capacity and inhibitory effects on the angiotensin-converting enzyme, a-glucosidase and lipase. Br. J. Nutr. 2012 108 - Suppl - 1:S123 - 34.
- A. M. Shamsuddin, I. Vucenik, K. E. Cole. IP6: A novel anti-cancer agent. Life Sci. 1997 61(4):343 - 354.
- B. e. Stodolak, A. Starzy'nska, M. Czyszczo'n, K. Z. yla. The effect of phytic acid on oxidative stability of raw and cooked meat. Food Chem. 2007 101(3):1041 - 1045.
- U. Schlemmer, W. Frolich, R. M. Prieto, F. Grases. Phytate in foods and significance for humans: Food sources, intake, processing, bioavailability, protective role and analysis. Mol Nutr Food Res 2009 53 - Suppl - 2:S330 - 75.
- H. N. Englyst, S. A. Bingham, H. S. Wiggins, D. A. Southgate, R. Seppänen, P. Helms, V. Anderson, K. C. Day, R. Choolun, E. Collinson, J. H. Cummings. Nonstarch polysaccharide consumption in four Scandinavian populations. Nutr Cancer 1982 4(1):50 - 60.
- R Doll. The Geographical Distribution of Cancer. BJC 1969 23(1):1-8.
- P. N. Singh, G. E. Fraser. Dietary risk factors for colon cancer in a low-risk population. Am. J. Epidemiol. 1998 148(8):761 - 774.
- I. Vucenik, A. M. Shamsuddin. Cancer inhibition by inositol hexaphosphate (IP6) and inositol: From laboratory to clinic. J. Nutr. 2003 133(11 - Suppl - 1):3778S - 3784S.
- D. P. Burkitt. Epidemiology of cancer of the colon and rectum. 1971. Dis. Colon Rectum 1993 36(11):1071 - 1082.
- H. P. Lee, L. Gourley, S. W. Duffy, J. Est`eve, J. Lee, N. E. Day. Colorectal cancer and diet in an Asian population--a case-control study among Singapore Chinese. Int. J. Cancer 1989 43(6):1007 - 1016.
- B Harland. Phytate: a good or a bad food component? Nutr Res 1995 15(5):733-754.
- I. Baci'c, N. Druzijani'c, R. Karlo, I. Skifi'c, S. Jagi'c. Efficacy of IP6 + inositol in the treatment of breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy: Prospective, randomized, pilot clinical study. J. Exp. Clin. Cancer Res. 2010 29:12.
- J Singh, P S Basu. Non-Nutritive Bioactive Compounds in Pulses and Their Impact on Human Health: An Overview. Food and Nutrition Sciences 2012 3:1664-1672.
Images thanks to cookbookman17 and vanhookc via flickr
- ácido fítico
- alimentación a base de vegetales
- alimentos procesados
- antioxidantes
- cáncer
- cáncer de colon
- carne
- carne roja
- cereales
- daño al ADN
- dieta occidental estándar
- Dr. Denis Burkitt
- estrés oxidativo
- estudios de salud adventista
- fibra
- fitatos
- frutos secos
- garbanzos
- guisantes partidos
- hierro
- hierro hemo
- legumbres
- lentejas
- pavo
- pescado
- pollo
- productos avícolas
- productos de origen animal
- salud del colon
- veganos
- vegetarianos
Below is an approximation of this video’s audio content. To see any graphs, charts, graphics, images, and quotes to which Dr. Greger may be referring, watch the above video.
“Cancer prevention strongly acknowledges the importance of diet, as dietary factors are the most important environmental risk factors for cancer. Within recent years, a large number of naturally occurring health-enhancing substances of plant origin have been recognized” to have beneficial effects on cancers, known as phytochemicals. Yes, beans, chickpeas, split peas, and lentils are packed with all sorts of nutrients we need.
But, the reason they may protect against several degenerative diseases may be due to non-nutritive compounds in plants, or even so-called “antinutrient” compounds, like phytates. “The reputation of [phytate] has had a roller coaster ride ever since its discovery; it has undergone alternate eminence and infamy.” What everyone can agree on though is that phytates, also known as phytic acid, “is one of the most fascinating bioactive food compounds and is widely distributed in plant foods.”
In the U.S., colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death. But, in some parts of the world, they’ve had just a tiny fraction of our rates, with the highest rates reported in Connecticut, and the lowest in Kampala, Uganda. The famous surgeon Dr. “Burkitt spent 24 years in Uganda,” and most of the hospitals in Uganda he contacted “had never [even] seen a case of colon cancer.” Noting they live off diets centered on whole plant foods, he figured that maybe it was the fiber that was so protective.
Studies like this, though, called that interpretation into question. Danes appear to have more colon cancer than Finns, yet “Danes consume almost twice the dietary fiber.” What else, then, could explain the low cancer rates among plant-based populations? Well, fiber isn’t the only thing only found in whole plant foods, missing from processed and animal foods. Maybe it’s the phytate.
“[D]ietary phytate, rather than fiber per se, might be the most important variable governing the frequency of colon[ic] cancer,” as we know phytate is “a powerful inhibitor of [the] iron-mediated production of hydroxyl radical[s], a particularly dangerous” type of free radical. So, the Standard American Diet may be a double whammy—the heme iron in muscle meat, plus the lack of phytate in refined plant foods to extinguish those iron radicals.
This may account for what was found in the Adventist study. They found excess risk of cancer for higher intakes of “both red meat and white meat,” suggesting “all meats contribute to…colon [cancer formation].” About twice the risk for red meat eaters, and three times the risk for those eating chicken and fish. But, those eating meat could reduce their risk in two ways—by cutting down on meat, or by eating more beans, an excellent source of phytates.
So, it’s not just how much meat we eat, but our meat-to-vegetable ratio. “Between the two extremes (high-vegetable, low-meat diet[s] versus high-meat, low-vegetable diet[s]), a risk ratio of about 8 appears to exist, sufficient…to explain a substantial part of [that] international variation in the incidence of colorectal cancer.” Those with the worst of both worlds—high meat and low vegetable—were at eight times the risk.
Please consider volunteering to help out on the site.
- R. Greiner, U. Konietzny, K. D. Jany. Phytate - an undesirable constituent of plant-based foods? Journal fur Ernahrungsmedizin 2006 8(3):18 - 28.
- I. Vucenik, A. M. Shamsuddin. Protection against cancer by dietary IP6 and inositol. Nutr Cancer 2006 55(2):109 - 125.
- R. P. Singh, R. Agarwal. Prostate cancer and inositol hexaphosphate: Efficacy and mechanisms. Anticancer Res. 2005 25(4):2891 - 2903.
- G. L. Deliliers, F. Servida, N. S. Fracchiolla, C. Ricci, C. Borsotti, G. Colombo, D. Soligo. Effect of inositol hexaphosphate (IP6) on human normal and leukaemic haematopoietic cells. British journal of haematology 2002 117(3):577 - 587.
- E. Graf, J. W. Eaton. Dietary suppression of colonic cancer fiber or phytate? Cancer 1985 56(4):717 - 718.
- O. Manousos, N. E. Day, D. Trichopoulos, F. Gerovassilis, A. Tzonou, A. Polychronopoulou. Diet and colorectal cancer: A case-control study in Greece. International Journal of Cancer 1983 32(1):1 - 5.
- I. Vucenik, A. Passaniti, M. I. Vitolo, K. Tantivejkul, P. Eggleton, A. M. Shamsuddin. Anti-angiogenic activity of inositol hexaphosphate (IP6). Carcinogenesis 2004 25(11):2115 - 2123.
- A. K. M. Shamsuddin, I. Vucenik. IP6 & inositol in cancer prevention and therapy. Current Cancer Therapy Reviews 2005 1(3):259 - 269.
- M. Kapral, J. Wawszczyk, M. Jurzak, A. Hollek, L. Węglarz. The effect of inositol hexaphosphate on the expression of selected metalloproteinases and their tissue inhibitors in IL-1B-stimulated colon cancer cells. Int J Colorectal Dis 2012 27(11):1419 - 1428.
- E. Lanza, T. J. Hartman, P. S. Albert, R. Shields, M. Slattery, B. Caan, E. Paskett, F. Iber, J. W. Kikendall, P. Lance, others. High dry bean intake and reduced risk of advanced colorectal adenoma recurrence among participants in the polyp prevention trial. The J. Nutr. 2006 136(7):1896 - 1903.
- A. M. Shamsuddin. Anti-cancer function of phytic acid. Int J Food Sci Tech 2002 37(7):769 - 782.
- E. Lipski. Traditional non-Western diets. Nutr Clin Pract 2010 25(6):585 - 593.
- G. Urbano, M. Lopez-Jurado, P. Aranda, C. Vidal-Valverde, E. Tenorio, J. Porres. The role of phytic acid in legumes: Antinutrient or beneficial function? J Physiol Biochem 2000 56(3):283 - 294.
- S. D. Siah, I. Konczak, S. Agboola, J. A. Wood, C. L. Blanchard. In vitro investigations of the potential health benefits of Australian-grown faba beans (Vicia faba L.): Chemopreventative capacity and inhibitory effects on the angiotensin-converting enzyme, a-glucosidase and lipase. Br. J. Nutr. 2012 108 - Suppl - 1:S123 - 34.
- A. M. Shamsuddin, I. Vucenik, K. E. Cole. IP6: A novel anti-cancer agent. Life Sci. 1997 61(4):343 - 354.
- B. e. Stodolak, A. Starzy'nska, M. Czyszczo'n, K. Z. yla. The effect of phytic acid on oxidative stability of raw and cooked meat. Food Chem. 2007 101(3):1041 - 1045.
- U. Schlemmer, W. Frolich, R. M. Prieto, F. Grases. Phytate in foods and significance for humans: Food sources, intake, processing, bioavailability, protective role and analysis. Mol Nutr Food Res 2009 53 - Suppl - 2:S330 - 75.
- H. N. Englyst, S. A. Bingham, H. S. Wiggins, D. A. Southgate, R. Seppänen, P. Helms, V. Anderson, K. C. Day, R. Choolun, E. Collinson, J. H. Cummings. Nonstarch polysaccharide consumption in four Scandinavian populations. Nutr Cancer 1982 4(1):50 - 60.
- R Doll. The Geographical Distribution of Cancer. BJC 1969 23(1):1-8.
- P. N. Singh, G. E. Fraser. Dietary risk factors for colon cancer in a low-risk population. Am. J. Epidemiol. 1998 148(8):761 - 774.
- I. Vucenik, A. M. Shamsuddin. Cancer inhibition by inositol hexaphosphate (IP6) and inositol: From laboratory to clinic. J. Nutr. 2003 133(11 - Suppl - 1):3778S - 3784S.
- D. P. Burkitt. Epidemiology of cancer of the colon and rectum. 1971. Dis. Colon Rectum 1993 36(11):1071 - 1082.
- H. P. Lee, L. Gourley, S. W. Duffy, J. Est`eve, J. Lee, N. E. Day. Colorectal cancer and diet in an Asian population--a case-control study among Singapore Chinese. Int. J. Cancer 1989 43(6):1007 - 1016.
- B Harland. Phytate: a good or a bad food component? Nutr Res 1995 15(5):733-754.
- I. Baci'c, N. Druzijani'c, R. Karlo, I. Skifi'c, S. Jagi'c. Efficacy of IP6 + inositol in the treatment of breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy: Prospective, randomized, pilot clinical study. J. Exp. Clin. Cancer Res. 2010 29:12.
- J Singh, P S Basu. Non-Nutritive Bioactive Compounds in Pulses and Their Impact on Human Health: An Overview. Food and Nutrition Sciences 2012 3:1664-1672.
Images thanks to cookbookman17 and vanhookc via flickr
- ácido fítico
- alimentación a base de vegetales
- alimentos procesados
- antioxidantes
- cáncer
- cáncer de colon
- carne
- carne roja
- cereales
- daño al ADN
- dieta occidental estándar
- Dr. Denis Burkitt
- estrés oxidativo
- estudios de salud adventista
- fibra
- fitatos
- frutos secos
- garbanzos
- guisantes partidos
- hierro
- hierro hemo
- legumbres
- lentejas
- pavo
- pescado
- pollo
- productos avícolas
- productos de origen animal
- salud del colon
- veganos
- vegetarianos
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Phytates for the Prevention of Cancer
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URLNota del Doctor
This is the first video in a three-part series describing how phytates may play a role in both cancer prevention and treatment. Stay tuned for Phytates for Rehabilitating Cancer Cells and Phytates for the Treatment of Cancer.
I previously touched on the surprising new science about phytates in Phytates for the Prevention of Osteoporosis.
For more on colon cancer, see Stool Size Matters.
Here are a few of my latest videos on the latest wonders of the musical fruit:
- Canned Beans or Cooked Beans? (and my associated blog post, Do Eden Beans Have Too Much Iodine?)
- Increased Lifespan from Beans
- Beans & the Second Meal Effect
What about that music, though? See my blog Beans & Gas: Clearing the air.
What about soybeans and cancer? See Breast Cancer Survival & Soy and BRCA Breast Cancer Genes & Soy.
Other ways to mediate the effects of meat intake can be found in Reducing Cancer Risk in Meat-Eaters.
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