How to Delay the Age of Menopause with Diet and Lifestyle Factors
Approximately half of the variability of age of menopause among women is explained by genetics. What behaviors or circumstances can help explain the rest?
Topic summary contributed by volunteer(s): Randy
The Harvard Nurses’ Health Study (HNHS), started in 1976, is considered to be a key long-term population study on women’s health.
The studies have identified important health risk factors including: persistent organic pollutants consumed through contaminated food may be linked to diabetes; eating meat or eggs before pregnancy may raise gestational diabetes risk; taking in less than a single alcoholic drink per day may still raise the risk of breast cancer; daily consumption of the amount of cholesterol found in one egg may shorten a woman’s lifespan as much as limited smoking; meat intake may be an infertility risk factor; there’s a positive association between teen milk intake, especially skim milk, and teen acne; and nut consumption does not lead to expected weight gain.
Study findings have also suggested specific steps women can take to improve their health including: nut and grapefruit consumption may help prevent breast cancer; getting enough Vitamin E may reduce asthma risk; eating berries, along with cruciferous and green leafy vegetables may reduce cognitive decline; sufficient magnesium intake may help prevent heart attacks; getting enough plant-based omega-3’s may reduce depression; and, eating more plant protein and reducing refined carbohydrate intake may reduce heart disease risk.
For substantiation of any statements of fact from the peer-reviewed medical literature, please see the associated videos below.
Approximately half of the variability of age of menopause among women is explained by genetics. What behaviors or circumstances can help explain the rest?
Those eating more plant-based diets have lower risk of having a stroke, including both bleeding and clotting strokes.
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Randomized controlled studies put nuts, berries, and grape juice to the test for cognitive function.
What are the effects of dairy products, sugar, and chocolate on the formation of pimples?
The food industry fought tooth and nail to retain partially hydrogenated oils, even though they were killing 50,000 Americans a year.
Of all the components of a healthy Mediterranean diet, which are associated with a longer lifespan?
Diets centered around whole plant foods may help prevent Crohn’s disease through the benefits of fiber on the maintenance of intestinal barrier function and the avoidance of certain processed food additives such as polysorbate 80.
Within hours the blood of those fed walnuts is able to suppress the growth of breast cancer cells in a petri dish. Which nut might work best, though—almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamias, peanuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios, or walnuts?
Farmed Atlantic salmon, the kind of salmon most commonly found in restaurants and supermarkets, may be the single largest source of toxic dietary pollutants.
Whole fruits and vegetables were compared to both antioxidant pills, as well as supplements containing fruits and vegetable extracts, for their ability to treat seasonal allergies, improve lung function, and control asthma.
The consumption of blueberries and strawberries is associated with delayed cognitive aging by as much as 2.5 years—thought to be because of brain-localizing anthocyanin phytonutrients, as shown on functional MRI scans.
Eating meat or eggs before pregnancy may increase the risk of gestational diabetes.
The role white and pink (red) grapefruit may play in weight loss and cholesterol control, as well as the suppression of drug-clearance enzymes within the body.
Modest lifestyle changes that include the avoidance of alcohol may cut the odds of breast cancer in half, but certain grapes appear to contain natural aromatase inhibitors that may undermine the ability of breast tumors to produce their own estrogen.
Nearly 5,000 breast cancer deaths a year may be attributable to just light drinking (up to one drink a day).
A similar exponential increase in carotid artery plaque buildup was found for smokers and egg eaters.
Eating fiber-containing foods—especially nuts—during adolescence may significantly lower the risk of developing potentially precancerous fibrocystic breast disease (fibroadenomas).
Nut consumption does not appear to lead to the expected weight gain.
Despite promising autopsy and population data suggesting that inadequate magnesium intake is a risk factor for sudden cardiac death, it wasn’t until recently that this was demonstrated in prospective studies.
Death in America is largely a foodborne illness. Focusing on studies published just over the last year in peer-reviewed scientific medical journals, Dr. Greger offers practical advice on how best to feed ourselves and our families to prevent, treat, and even reverse many of the top 15 killers in the United States.
A competing risks analysis of the Harvard Nurses’ Health Study compares the danger of smoking cigarettes to the danger of animal product consumption (cholesterol), and the benefits of plant foods (fiber) to the benefits of exercise.
Excreted pharmaceutical drugs, such as Prozac, can end up polluting our waterways, and may bioaccumulate in fish flesh.
Three Harvard studies linking acne with dairy consumption in adolescent girls and boys blamed the sex steroid hormone content naturally found in cow’s milk (even without added hormones)—particularly skim.
The Harvard Nurses’ Study found an association between high school dairy intake and severe physician-diagnosed acne.
Monday, March 12, 2012: The Harvard Health Professionals Follow-up Study and the Harvard Nurses’ Health Study concluded that red meat consumption was associated with living a significantly shorter life—increased cancer mortality, increased heart disease mortality, and increased overall mortality.
Different fruits and vegetables appear to support different cognitive domains of the brain, so both variety and quantity are important.
Since foods are a package deal, Dr. Walter Willet, the Chair of Harvard’s nutrition department, recommends we emphasize plant sources of protein, rather than animal sources.
New research suggests that multivitamin use may significantly increase the risk of breast cancer and prostate cancer.