Nitrates in Food to Help Fight Respiratory Tract Infections
Perhaps it’s no coincidence that an infusion of spinach leaves has evidently been used since ancient times to treat respiratory symptoms.
Topic summary contributed by volunteer(s): Randy and Jessica
Headaches may be a symptom of other medical conditions such as gluten intolerance, fibromyalgia, PMS, a reaction to aspartame in diet soda, or even pork tapeworms in the brain. Artificial sweeteners may cause headaches.
Lavender oil and ginger may help relieve migraine headaches and hot sauce compounds may help relieve cluster headaches.
A double-blinded randomized controlled trial compared Imitrex, the medication most commonly prescribed for migraines, with powdered ginger. One-eighth of a teaspoon of powered ginger was found to be as effective as Imitrex.
Another placebo-controlled trial looked at lavender oil as a treatment for migraine pain. Once they noticed the early signs of a headache, the lavender group was told to place 2 to 3 drops of lavender essential oil on their upper lips, in addition to inhaling the vapors of the lavender oil for 15 minutes. The control group did the same using unscented liquid wax. In the lavender group, 74 percent reported an improvement in their symptoms, which was significant compared to the placebo group.
For substantiation of any statements of fact from the peer-reviewed medical literature, please see the associated videos below.
Image Credit: Pxhere. This image has been modified.
Perhaps it’s no coincidence that an infusion of spinach leaves has evidently been used since ancient times to treat respiratory symptoms.
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Plant-based diets are put to the test for treating migraine headaches.
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An eighth of a teaspoon of ground ginger power is tested head-to-head against the leading drug for the alleviation of painful periods.
A quarter- to a half-teaspoon a day of powdered ginger can be as pain-relieving as ibuprofen, without the risk of damage to the intestinal lining.
Seaweed salad is put to the test for hypertension.
A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial found a dramatic effect of the anti-inflammatory spice pigment curcumin against inflammatory bowel disease.
An eighth teaspoon of powdered ginger was found to work as well as the migraine headache drug sumatriptan (Imitrex) without the side effects.
The reason artificially sweetened beverages have been associated with depression may be because of psychological disturbances recently tied to aspartame (“Equal” or “NutraSweet”).
After a formal evaluation to rule out celiac disease, those who suspect they might have gluten sensitivity should first try improving their diet and then have other causes excluded before going on a gluten-free diet, since as many as 1 in 3 people who avoid gluten for symptom control end up having a different disease altogether.
Based on studies linking coffee consumption with lower liver cancer risk, coffee is put to the test to see if it can help reduce liver damage in those with hepatitis C.
Chronic headaches such as migraines or “tension” headache symptoms may be a sign of pork tapeworms in the brain.
Daily application of capsaicin, the burning component of hot peppers, into the nostril on the affected side of the head of cluster headache sufferers results in an 80% therapeutic response rate.
Dr. Greger has scoured the world’s scholarly literature on clinical nutrition, and developed this brand-new live presentation on the latest in cutting-edge research on how a healthy diet can affect some of our most common medical conditions.
A placebo-controlled clinical trial of lavender essential oil aromatherapy shows it to be an effective migraine therapy.
Plant-based diets may be effective for the treatment of fibromyalgia, a painful condition suffered by millions.
The natural sweetener erythritol does not appear to carry the adverse effects associated with other non- and low-caloric natural and artificial sweeteners, and may actually have antioxidant potential.
Aspartame may be the reason that diet soda consumption during pregnancy has been linked to premature birth.
The spice saffron appears to improve both the emotional and physical symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.
Avoiding pork tapeworm parasites (cysticercosis) is not as easy as just avoiding pork.