Hospitals Profit on Junk Food
Why is hospital food so unhealthy?
Why is hospital food so unhealthy?
Might animal protein-induced increases in the cancer-promoting grown hormone IGF-1 help promote brain artery integrity?
Just because you’re eating vegetarian or vegan doesn’t mean you’re eating healthy.
Does eating fish or taking fish oil supplements reduce stroke risk?
What is the relationship between stroke risk and dairy, eggs, meat, and soda?
Are there immune-boosting foods we should be eating?
What to eat and what to avoid to lower the cardiovascular disease risk factor lipoprotein(a).
Implausible explanations for the obesity epidemic, such as sedentary lifestyles or lack of self-discipline, serve the needs of the manufacturers and marketers more than the public’s health and the interest in truth.
Like the tobacco industry adding extra nicotine, the food industry employs taste engineers to accomplish a similar goal: maximize the irresistibility of their products.
How the power of the “eat more” food environment can overcome our conscious controls.
We all like to think we make important life decisions like what to eat consciously and rationally, but if that were the case we wouldn’t be in the midst of an obesity epidemic.
The unprecedented rise in the power, scope, and sophistication of food marketing starting around 1980 aligns well with the blastoff slope of the obesity epidemic.
Why are U.S. taxpayers giving billions to support the likes of the sugar and livestock industries?
The rise in the U.S. calorie supply responsible for the obesity epidemic wasn’t just about more food but a different kind of food.
We have an uncanny ability to pick out the subtle distinctions in calorie density of foods, but only within the natural range.
The big fat “fat gene” accounts for less than 1% of the differences in size between people.
The common explanations for the cause of the obesity epidemic put forward by the food industry and policymakers, such as inactivity or a lack of willpower, are not only wrong, but actively harmful fallacies.
Plant-based diets are put to the test for treating migraine headaches.
Plastering front-of-package nutrient claims on cereal boxes is an attempt to distract from the incongruity of feeding our children multicolored marshmallows for breakfast.
Healthier plant-based diets compared to unhealthy plant foods and animal foods on diabetes risk.
What shift workers can do to moderate the adverse effects of circadian rhythm disruption.
Harness the power of your circadian rhythms for weight loss by making breakfast or lunch your main meal of the day.
Given the power of chronotherapy—how the same dose of the same drugs taken at a different time of day can have such different effects—it’s no surprise that chronoprevention approaches, like meal timing, can also make a difference.
Are there any safe and effective dietary supplements for weight loss?
Endotoxins can build up on pre-chopped vegetables and undermine some of their benefits.
The industry’s response to the charge that breakfast cereals are too sugary.
In this live presentation, Dr. Greger offers a sneak peek into his book How Not to Diet.
Though a bane for dieters, a slower metabolism may actually be a good thing.
The sugar industry’s response to evidence implicating sweeteners in the obesity epidemic.
I was honored to testify before the US government’s Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. Check out the video to see my speech and a few of my favorite excerpts.
A low-fiber diet is a key driver of microbiome depletion, the disappearance of diversity in our good gut flora.
How the food industry responds to “health food faddists.”
Tracing the source and legitimacy of a disorder purporting to describe an “unhealthy obsession with healthy eating.”
The relationship between the consumption of eggs and other cholesterol-rich foods and cancers of the colon, breast, endometrium, pancreas, and throat.
What about the recent studies that show cheese has neutral or positive health effects?
Ground ginger powder is put to the test for weight loss and NAFLD, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.
What would happen if you stopped brushing your teeth but ate healthier?
What is the return on investment for educating employees about healthy eating and living?
The most well-published community-based lifestyle intervention in the medical literature is also one of the most effective.
What dietary change can simultaneously help detoxify mercury, lead, and cadmium from the body?